Dirk Marwig: SOFA 1 (Plywood construction: 4 interconnecting pieces of plywood, 1995) *I made this in 4 days! (photo taken in my living room in Madrid, Spain) -As you can see I had no furniture. This “sofa” consists of 4…
Thinking about 1=2 I derive my mathematical conclusions through in-depth meditation mostly in the evenings usually ‘on’ some kind of “stimulant”. My observation: 1(one)exists only in a “unit”(which consists of “more” than 1(one)= 1+(a complimentary 1) Nothing is ALONE or…
Margareta Reeve (my ‘everything’) casually said: Canada + China = “CHINADA”. She said it first, but I provoked it! So… CHINADA (Permanent marker on thick drawing paper, Dirk Marwig 2019) -‘Expansionary Politics’at it’s best: China and Canada turn into CHINADA.…