Dirk Marwig: A thought about 1=2

Thinking about 1=2

I derive my mathematical conclusions through in-depth meditation mostly in the evenings usually ‘on’ some kind of “stimulant”.
My observation: 1(one)exists only in a “unit”(which consists of “more” than 1(one)= 1+(a complimentary 1)
Nothing is ALONE or a “ONE TIME” thing/event…
In observing nature: 1(one)-even the snowflake!-(that we think is “unique” -or one of a kind-) cannot be determined/calculated or defined as a ‘definite ‘one time’ “occurrence”. It is all very relative to time, location , temperature…)
Mankind only makes assumptions and mathematics therefore is only a calculative speculation tool heralded as TRUTH by our reigning Status Quo society.
Mankind has to move on and trust “gut instinct”(which, by the way, our schools discourage!).
“1”cannot exist by itself- it needs another (similar)”1” to Survive or to Prosper.
So: 1=(at least) is more than “1”

1=2 is an brutal mathematical exaggeration of occurrences in nature- therefore: faulty, but somewhat imaginable or “somewhat Faulty” but not totally! -it could be possible-(at least “once”!!!!)
So, one (1) could equal Two(2)

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