The amazing number 7 -look up the meaning and significance of this number! For this object I used an old wooden patio table top and constructed 15 regular Heptagons cut at an angle(so that they would not be flat) then…
The amazing number 7 -look up the meaning and significance of this number! For this object I used an old wooden patio table top and constructed 15 regular Heptagons cut at an angle(so that they would not be flat) then…
You can sit on it and it will not break thanks to the solid structural curved plywood backbone. PURE.
*I used an older Sector 9 skateboard model to make the “Fuck You” object. *In the 74 years since it’s ‘invention’ the skateboard has never been (according to in-depth research) altered and/or depicted/described like this. The concept is so simple…
This is the 2nd version of my “Electric Mustang” also made from a ‘used’ 25m extension cord, this time a gift for two good friends of mine. The ‘Gift Horse’?!
*This is the semi-side view of Klondike- here you can see very well the “positive-negative 3/4 flip/transition”.