Crooks,large and small taking the loot and making a run for it.
Again a piece based on the “Golden Section”. The story of the odd sized, “oval/roundish” in awe of the “perfect sphere” that’s in the perfect spot!
Everything in this painting is again based on the divine proportions of the “golden rectangle”. The colours, the ‘feel’ and mood are of the rainforest. And for the first time: Op-Art that is really RELAXING!
* When I finish a piece like this one I feel fortunate. It unlocks something special(in myself, at least). What you see is full of contradictions that coexist harmoniously, creating a level that is foreign and known to us simultaneously.…
4 X the Fibonacci sequence of 1,1,2,3,5,8,13 and 21. The interesting beauty of math. The ‘divine angle’ 137.5º was used as reference to cut all the pieces.
-Every ‘deal'(trato in spanish) has a detailed, limited framework on which 2 parties(or more) agree upon. The framework has a distinct ‘make-up’ only known to the parties involved – all ‘outsiders’ are excluded. So the framework becomes another- the 3rd…
This painting shows how to ‘construct’ an irregular heptagon on the basis of the ‘Golden Rectangle’. Even if this is an irregular 7 sided polygon(irregular heptagon) there is an intrinsic feeling of harmony and balance that can only be explained…