Criminal and Racist Control with Money for a Self-serving Agenda. Trump and his group of ass-licking fuckers are disturbing the planet once again. Additionally, Janus is a Roman god with two faces, symbolizing beginnings and endings. In my context, Janus…
History repeats itself. Again, we have to deal with the control obsession of criminal, power-hungry infantile idiots. We are back to the reign of evil monkeys. My art has always been centered on voicing my perceptions in a given period with…
Photo of Dirk Marwig on his 63rd birthday at home. Photo by Margareta Reeve. I really had a great relaxing day.
We are afraid to stare into the inescapable void right before us. We try to fill it with what is around us. It’s that complicated mess of options available that we try to make sense of so we don’t have…