2016 was a very strange year for me. Nevertheless 31 pieces came into being. All work shown in the sequence of their creation from the Top Left(older) to the Bottom Right(newest). My mind works in a peculiar way, as you…
2016 was a very strange year for me. Nevertheless 31 pieces came into being. All work shown in the sequence of their creation from the Top Left(older) to the Bottom Right(newest). My mind works in a peculiar way, as you…
Something fun and new (preview) Photographed in my studio after completion with iPhone: “I Will Always See You” (Chinese ink and gesso on paper, mounted on plywood, 77cm x 55cm, Dirk Marwig 2016) Sometimes ‘things’ just happen when you “give…
“I have always loved maps. Without thinking i started scratching thousands of lines all over the plywood board- added some colour and at the end of the day some kind of map appeared. Then the real work began: organizing the…
“Mi Amiga La Puta de Cuatro Caminos” is a real strange story and somehow hypnotic!