Headdress for the Divine Benevolent -side view from back (Wearable plywood object with nylon string and high pigment lacquer, 78cm x 75cm x 82cm, Dirk Marwig 2015)
Headdress for the Divine Benevolent -side view from back (Wearable plywood object with nylon string and high pigment lacquer, 78cm x 75cm x 82cm, Dirk Marwig 2015)
This is the semi-side back view of “Headdress for the Divine Benevolent.” It’s like Cinderella’s shoe: it will fit only the person to whom it is intended. I made this for my girlfriend for her birthday, only to wear for…
Here are just 5 angles of this cool headdress. There are so many more. To wear it you must be a divine benevolent or at least aspire to be one!