from left to right: “M.A.F.I.A. Mexican American Friendship Initiation Award” (Plywood construction, high pigment lacquer, 75cm x 46cm x 14cm, Dirk Marwig 2014), “Everything is only a Trick” (Free-standing plywood construction with titanium white oil wash, 75cm x 63cm x…
Your everyday “Quatscher”. Or in English: Your everyday Bullshitter. So much crap that it makes you dizzy. Do they ever stop blabbering? …only if you walk away!
I was doing nothing except watching tennis on the sofa all day. It was a very good and relaxing day! Thank you.
Photo: My living room ‘upside down’. I always wanted an alternative view of basically everything in order to make life not so scary and add my kind of ‘fun’ factor. June 5th, 2023.
Me. Me? Probably…, what do I know? And You, maybe You as well. Perhaps not now, but eventually. ” You can’t hide from yourself because everywhere you go, there you are”! vøila