Dirk Marwig: SOFA 1 (Plywood construction: 4 interconnecting pieces of plywood, 1995) *I made this in 4 days! (photo taken in my living room in Madrid, Spain) -As you can see I had no furniture. This “sofa” consists of 4…
Dirk Marwig: SOFA 1 (Plywood construction: 4 interconnecting pieces of plywood, 1995) *I made this in 4 days! (photo taken in my living room in Madrid, Spain) -As you can see I had no furniture. This “sofa” consists of 4…
You can sit on it and it will not break thanks to the solid structural curved plywood backbone. PURE.
Headdress for the Divine Benevolent -side view from back (Wearable plywood object with nylon string and high pigment lacquer, 78cm x 75cm x 82cm, Dirk Marwig 2015)
*I used an older Sector 9 skateboard model to make the “Fuck You” object. *In the 74 years since it’s ‘invention’ the skateboard has never been (according to in-depth research) altered and/or depicted/described like this. The concept is so simple…