Everyone has the same goal: to feel good. “El Rey del Basico” . Dirk Marwig, 2o23
Observation may very well dictate Reality and, until that Reality is shared by Multiple Observers, it remains Independent of all Other Realities. This is my Reality.
8 new paintings (Oil on stiffened kitchen cloth, Dirk Marwig 2021). *8 photos of the pieces, together in sequence. X-KWISI-trash paintings. “Shit that anyone with a Message Can Do… Differently, of course. #dirkmarwig @dirkmarwig #dirkmarwigart Seen with: THE RED-ORANGE CARPET…
Both sides of the brain (Left and Right) start and share a Thought commencing at different times (moving in the same direction while sharing and participating in a similar perceived goal-). Each side spins at its velocity around its own…