-This Painting/Object is about finding beauty and coolness in something totally mundane and insignificant: the random little piece of math paper, “folded” and “discarded” (enlarged 700% and painted on a flat, thin and shaped plywood board).
This painting looks like as if it has been photographed close-up style with a ‘wide angle macro’ lens. But it’s not. This is what the painting actually looks like when photographed from a straight-on position. The irregular pentagon shape is…
*Mankind” is the result of the cut up “Flop Object”(an object I worked on for a long time, but then suddenly decided to trash). I cut all the salvaged wood into perfect ‘Golden Rhombi’, then assorted all the pieces on…
My mother always told me when I was young : “Why don’t you just paint landscapes? People would buy them and you could make lots of money.” -Well here’s a landscape for you! 🙂 This painting shows the view of…
“I have always loved maps. Without thinking i started scratching thousands of lines all over the plywood board- added some colour and at the end of the day some kind of map appeared. Then the real work began: organizing the…
This painting is inspired by the music of Alban Berg’s “Lulu”, in particular “The Lulu Suite”. Here is a YouTube video link so you can get an idea of what I’m trying to convey: https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=RD2iJyDnDSgaM&v=2iJyDnDSgaM It gives me “goose-bumps” again…