*This is the semi-side view of Klondike- here you can see very well the “positive-negative 3/4 flip/transition”.
*This is the semi-side view of Klondike- here you can see very well the “positive-negative 3/4 flip/transition”.
3 objects (for the intelligent) from 2012 where the subconscious led the way. Fun stuff. 1) Black High Heel Fetish(Model) (Nylon cable tie construction, 24cm x 24cm x 22cm, Dirk Marwig 2012) 2) NEVERFLAT ESTRELLA (My old basketball flattened out…
*Six simple cuts were applied to the plywood spool (2 discs) to make the components which then were arranged to construct “VOYEUR”. An almost ‘readymade’. It makes me smile because the distilled result is so multi-layered and congruent, something you…
The simplest ideas always work. In this case taking a dried branch and cutting it at an angle into many slices then glueing it back together again with(and ‘in’) perfect balance. I was really surprised with the result but during…
My little unemployed and disconnected Amigo standing there all alone. Aww! From left to right: Waiting, Eager to please,then Resignation!
*This was a big slice of Douglas Fir which first I turned into a perfect rectangular “block”. The newly created “block” had the “Golden Rectangle” shape or the ‘divine proportions/dimensions’. Then I wildly started to cut the block apart ,…