I like to experiment with the ‘odd’ shape, angle or form.
This was fun to photograph. It has so many cool angles because of the ‘shape’ and ‘bend’ given to the plywood. On top of that the distorted lines with 2 external “flight points” which correspond to the ‘essence’ or flow…
*I used one old 25m long extension cable (not cutting it up), simply rolling and folding it and holding the shapes in place with cable ties. Anything can be transformed into something timeless and beautiful just with a little love…
The German title “Schraege Figuren” which in English translates to “Weird/Sketchy Figures” makes me smile… like lurking people in a dark ally, up to no good!
“I composed “Synthetic Compound” using 60 ‘golden ratio’ rhombi and 4 hexagons holding them together with only the help of ‘Zap-Straps’ or cable ties(no glue or other bonding agents).”