Observation may very well dictate Reality and, until that Reality is shared by Multiple Observers, it remains Independent of all Other Realities. This is my Reality.
Observation may very well dictate Reality and, until that Reality is shared by Multiple Observers, it remains Independent of all Other Realities. This is my Reality.
8 new paintings (Oil on stiffened kitchen cloth, Dirk Marwig 2021) X-KWISItrash. “Art Visual Alternatives” Idea sheet: “Alpes-Provence” France 2021
There are always various alternatives to Everything, even for this Dishrag! If this flight company would use this “Poster”, they would be Soooooo “on the Smooth/Cool/Absolute Hip Groove!” …but you know how the World is: Safe, False, and Boring.
Both sides of the brain (Left and Right) start and share a Thought commencing at different times (moving in the same direction while sharing and participating in a similar perceived goal-). Each side spins at its velocity around its own…