Look at it, throw it away, or pull it over your head. Whatever works for you.
An artist should be able to do anything: Music, Poetry, Painting, Sculpture, to Act(like actor)…. be Inventive”like inventing things”…I just wanted to show what I made for my wife’s birthday(fashion jewelry wise) because so many of you liked my “Vogue”…
“The belief in Geometry” Article about Dirk Marwig in the “Frankfurter Rundschau”, Kulturspiegel Nov. 1st 1996. Before there was the INTERNET.
I do not like “selfies” but I needed to update my human ‘image’. So today (june 16th 2017) was the day to take that photo in front of a new painting which might be finished. For the “photo-phile”: the photo…
*Six simple cuts were applied to the plywood spool (2 discs) to make the components which then were arranged to construct “VOYEUR”. An almost ‘readymade’. It makes me smile because the distilled result is so multi-layered and congruent, something you…