Dirk Marwig: SOFA 1 (Plywood construction: 4 interconnecting pieces of plywood, 1995) *I made this in 4 days! (photo taken in my living room in Madrid, Spain) -As you can see I had no furniture. This “sofa” consists of 4…
Moose Coffee Table (Plywood, tennis string and glass, 32cm x 104cm x 86cm, Dirk Marwig 2008) *This table was made from plywood rest cuts I had flying around in my studio. I hate to waste things. Looks like “Bullwinckle”. I…
Yet another Gap-Chair where the seat part is not directly connected to the seat back, this time constructed with wood rests from a renovation container and with plexi-glass which was also found in a bin. I designed this version with…
Dirk Marwig’s “Gap-Chair” No.5 (Reclaimed scaffolding wood with white oil wash and wood glue, 92cm high, 40cm wide, 74.5cm deep; seat height: 46.5cm, seat depth: 44cm, Dirk Marwig 2017) This photo shows the Gap-Chair with the restored drawing “Zomb” from…