*I used an older Sector 9 skateboard model to make the “Fuck You” object. *In the 74 years since it’s ‘invention’ the skateboard has never been (according to in-depth research) altered and/or depicted/described like this. The concept is so simple…
*I used an older Sector 9 skateboard model to make the “Fuck You” object. *In the 74 years since it’s ‘invention’ the skateboard has never been (according to in-depth research) altered and/or depicted/described like this. The concept is so simple…
*Six simple cuts were applied to the plywood spool (2 discs) to make the components which then were arranged to construct “VOYEUR”. An almost ‘readymade’. It makes me smile because the distilled result is so multi-layered and congruent, something you…
This “Rietvelt Zig Zag Chair” version was made from old skis that a neighbour in Madrid gave to me. My gallery was the ‘Nikolaus Fischer’ Gallery so the ski chair with the “Fischer”skis made sense! You could actually sit on…