Flat as a floor plan: the architecture of strategy mixed with uncertainty in a “one on one” Face Off.
Flat as a floor plan: the architecture of strategy mixed with uncertainty in a “one on one” Face Off.
This painting was in my studio for more than a year and yesterday I finished it adding the last few essentials it needed. While I was working on it the name “Oriwako” kept going through my mind. I later looked…
Confined to the bed and sofa after a terrible “quadriceps tendon rupture” and the following surgery 2 weeks ago (I slipped and fell awkwardly while trying to collect a watering hose on the granite rock in my backyard- in a…
The concept of “FOLDED” was to show the “Glorification of the complete mundane”. The 3D effect is just an ‘effect’ used as a ‘vehicle’ to convey the concept but not as being the concept of the piece in itself. That…
-This Painting/Object is about finding beauty and coolness in something totally mundane and insignificant: the random little piece of math paper, “folded” and “discarded” (enlarged 700% and painted on a flat, thin and shaped plywood board).
An example from 1995 of how my mind processes geometry. I see this image of one of my earlier works and wonder how I managed this. This one seems so simple but if you try to reconstruct it exactly the…
This painting looks like as if it has been photographed close-up style with a ‘wide angle macro’ lens. But it’s not. This is what the painting actually looks like when photographed from a straight-on position. The irregular pentagon shape is…