This is a detail of “Zwischenwelt” from 1993. I think that it is appropriate to publish this painting again for this reason: I find it interesting that all these airplanes in the past few days, weeks and months have gone…
This is a detail of “Zwischenwelt” from 1993. I think that it is appropriate to publish this painting again for this reason: I find it interesting that all these airplanes in the past few days, weeks and months have gone…
-This object is based entirely on the “Golden Rectangle”. The ‘Golden Section’ or the ‘Divine Section’ can be seen clearly if you look at where the red lines intersect. Also notice how the red lines run perfectly parallel and perpendicular…
Using the “Golden Rectangle” and the the “Golden Section” I built this new object, giving ‘minimalism’ that extra little ‘twist’ of the defiance of gravity. Eat your heart out, Donald Judd!
Time = Energy Model (Falsecypress, plywood, plexiglass and waxed string, 70.5cm x 45cm x 10.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2014) “I have always been obsessed with the concept of “Time”(‘Zeit’, in German)- Its behavior and inconsistencies. I believe that ‘Time’ is Energy…
(Time = Energy Model seen from the front-slightly looking from above) This piece really relaxes me. I cannot put into words how it makes me feel. Mesmerizing. Timeless, possibly.
I’m sure this is a situation that many of us have encountered:…in a club, out of your mind and suddenly someone asks you to to dance…you look at them and they look like this! hahaha. You think: “I must switch…