Observation may very well dictate Reality and, until that Reality is shared by Multiple Observers, it remains Independent of all Other Realities. This is my Reality.
Observation may very well dictate Reality and, until that Reality is shared by Multiple Observers, it remains Independent of all Other Realities. This is my Reality.
The exact same engraving of the grid (with the ‘Golden Section’ as it’s DNA) is on the other side as well, which is characteristic of the repetitive behaviours found in the little (sometimes autistic) nerd with special powers.
*Six simple cuts were applied to the plywood spool (2 discs) to make the components which then were arranged to construct “VOYEUR”. An almost ‘readymade’. It makes me smile because the distilled result is so multi-layered and congruent, something you…
This large canvas invites the spectator to enter and to be part of the composition. This is only a photo but when you stand in front of this large painting, you immediately form part of it and enter the world…
This is the semi-side back view of “Headdress for the Divine Benevolent.” It’s like Cinderella’s shoe: it will fit only the person to whom it is intended. I made this for my girlfriend for her birthday, only to wear for…
Here are just 5 angles of this cool headdress. There are so many more. To wear it you must be a divine benevolent or at least aspire to be one!