For Love (Wood block print No. 1 from only one edition of 10 prints, 76.3cm x 57cm, Dirk Marwig 2016)
I will only make 1 edition of 10 prints from this one. After that I’ll destroy the wood block. It is for sale in my “SHOP” section.
Amaze 2015 (Wood block print, 76.3cm x 48.6cm, Dirk Marwig 2015 )
This “Amaze 2015” wood block print(wood cut) is available in ‘blue’ and ‘red’. It only exists in one(1) edition of 10 prints for each colour. You can buy them in the “SHOP” section of this site. This wood block print is based entirely on the ‘Golden Rectangle’-that’s why it is so ‘pleasing’. The ‘Golden Mean’ is the little square on the upper right.
How I make a clean woodblock print (Dirk Marwig 2015)
Here’s a quick look on how I make a clean wood block print. I took these 6 pics today while printing the the 5th red print(out of 10 red prints) of my ‘Amaze 2015’. I’m bored with ‘red’ so I’ll start with the 10 ‘blue’ prints this afternoon.The roundish thing is used to equally press the paper onto the woodblock which is covered in red ink. The spoon and wedge are used to emboss the lines(rubbing) and the brush is used to spread lead powder-from a pencil- over the impression so that I can see where I have already ‘rubbed’.
I use a 250(g) Stonehenge ‘white’ paper which is heavy and sturdy enough to support my kind of brutal ‘rubbing’ or embossing. -It’s like a 1 1/2 hour workout!