WTF Photos of Dirk Marwig 2025 “It’s All In The Mind 2025”

WTF Photos of Dirk Marwig 2025 “It’s All In The Mind 2025”

Photo of Dirk Marwig 2014 (recovered file)

Photo of Dirk Marwig 2014 (recovered file)

Dirk Marwig (photo July 6th 2023)

Dirk Marwig (photo July 6th 2023)

I just found this time-release photo (in my living room), taken on July 6th, 2023.

Something has a hold of my head!

VOX photo of Dirk Marwig May 2024 in the kitchen with “VOX”

VOX photo of Dirk Marwig May 2024 in the kitchen with “VOX”

In my kitchen with “VOX”, May, 11th, 2024

Dirk Marwig-Big Eyes 2024

Dirk Marwig-Big Eyes 2024

I power-washed the big rock in the backyard so that my nosey neighbors have some big eyes looking back at them.

Some people don’t have respect for privacy.

Also: Mount Seymour (See-More)


The Surgeon (Photo of 3 recent drawings/paintings, Dirk Marwig 2024)

The Surgeon (Photo of 3 recent drawings/paintings, Dirk Marwig 2024)

Photo of Dirk Marwig 2023

Photo of Dirk Marwig 2023

The very strange year of 2023 has ended and I’m still here with lots of love to give. Thank you.

Photo of Dirk Marwig with “The Idea that evaded me” (Oct. 2023)

Photo of Dirk Marwig with “The Idea that evaded me” (Oct. 2023)

Photo of Dirk Marwig 2023

Photo of Dirk Marwig 2023

Margareta Reeve’s pic of me at the Frankfurt airport(home of the “Dorian Grey”), Sept. 26th, 2023. Lost..sort of.

Eww (2 objects by Dirk Marwig, photographed by Dirk Marwig 2023)

Eww (2 objects by Dirk Marwig, photographed by Dirk Marwig 2023)

from left to right:
“M.A.F.I.A. Mexican American Friendship Initiation Award” (Plywood construction, high pigment lacquer, 75cm x 46cm x 14cm, Dirk Marwig 2014),
“Everything is only a Trick” (Free-standing plywood construction with titanium white oil wash, 75cm x 63cm x 14.6cm, Dirk Marwig 2015)
The Band: (Photo of 5 pieces by Dirk Marwig photographed by Dirk Marwig, 2023)

The Band: (Photo of 5 pieces by Dirk Marwig photographed by Dirk Marwig, 2023)

Photo of Dirk Marwig 2023

Photo of Dirk Marwig 2023

A happy day on the 30th of May 2023.  Thank you.

Photo of Dirk Marwig on his 63rd birthday at home.

Photo of Dirk Marwig on his 63rd birthday at home.

Photo of Dirk Marwig on his 63rd birthday at home. Photo by Margareta Reeve. I really had a great relaxing day.

Dirk Marwig(photo of), 07/06/2023 at home. (for the record…”I was here, too!.”

Dirk Marwig(photo of), 07/06/2023 at home. (for the record…”I was here, too!.”

I was here and I learned to love a lot(over time), including myself!

Photo of Dirk Marwig in his living room 6/6/2023

Photo of Dirk Marwig in his living room 6/6/2023

I was doing nothing except watching tennis on the sofa all day. It was a very good and relaxing day! Thank you.

Dirk Marwig: Photo of my living room ceiling upside down, West Vancouver, June 5th 2023)

Dirk Marwig: Photo of my living room ceiling upside down, West Vancouver, June 5th 2023)

Photo: My living room ‘upside down’. I always wanted an alternative view of basically everything in order to make life not so scary and add my kind of ‘fun’ factor. June 5th, 2023.

Before the Big Smack(photos of Dirk Marwig ‘getting rid of some aggression’ by Margareta Reeve, June 2022)

Before the Big Smack(photos of Dirk Marwig ‘getting rid of some aggression’ by Margareta Reeve, June 2022)

Photo of Dirk Marwig by Margareta Reeve with his Racket in front of his painting “Mind Cleaner”,  June 2022)

Photo of Dirk Marwig by Margareta Reeve with his Racket in front of his painting “Mind Cleaner”, June 2022)

Photo of Dirk Marwig with his 2nd ‘369’ “Puta” Racket (The Axis of Evil) June 13th 2022

Photo of Dirk Marwig with his 2nd ‘369’ “Puta” Racket (The Axis of Evil) June 13th 2022

I took this photo with time release on my patio. The photo shows “The Evil Monster full of holes” held in a tight grip by Dirk Marwig.

New “369” pickleball racket designed and constructed by Dirk Marwig May 2022

New “369” pickleball racket designed and constructed by Dirk Marwig May 2022

Here’s my (newest) “369” pickleball racket idea which is constructed with a “plastic removable, perforated, and textured sheet”. It sticks to the surface with “a special tack” and stays there! The racket works very well, is more Powerful, is Light and super Silent!
It’s almost Unfair to play with this racket! “…so says a Pickleball-Player” who has had the privilege of testing this new Racket.
*What makes my new racket quiet are in fact the holes. Combined with the overlaid sheet this racket is so silent that when you hit the ball your opponent just sees it coming(but doesn’t hear it)! Compare it to the “Silencer-Effect” of a handgun. Muffled. Your opponent’s reaction is slower because he/she/it doesn’t “hear” the ball coming. This is how the sport will evolve or change. It could become an “all-court” sport. The hearing impaired would be great at it!
Swooshing Away the Wicked forever(an attempt) Photo of Dirk Marwig on Friday, 13th 2022 in his living room after watching the news.

Swooshing Away the Wicked forever(an attempt) Photo of Dirk Marwig on Friday, 13th 2022 in his living room after watching the news.

Disgusting, fucking Pigs run the World and we have to Stop them!

Dirk Marwig new “369” pickleball rackets 2022

Dirk Marwig new “369” pickleball rackets 2022

4 New ‘Dirk Marwig 369’ pickleball rackets.
Made of plywood. *Low in “noise”, High in “power and spin”.
The only pickleball rackets in the world like this. My Logo and patent.

Dirk Marwig 1982, Flyer for Pii, Frankfurt Germany

Dirk Marwig 1982, Flyer for Pii, Frankfurt Germany

Recently found Flyer for the “Ice-Bear”, “Klapse” or “Pii”( the club didn’t really have a name) in Frankfurt 1982 (Ink and Letraset on cardboard, Dirk Marwig 1982)

Nasty Dictators like Putin need to Die!  (and I’m all for Love, Peace and Non-Violence)) He’s crossed the line. Fuck Him! Dirk Marwig 7th of March 2022

Nasty Dictators like Putin need to Die! (and I’m all for Love, Peace and Non-Violence)) He’s crossed the line. Fuck Him! Dirk Marwig 7th of March 2022

Since No negotiation with these Russian Mobsters is possible (and instead of Wasting Billions of $$ Worldwide in Resources of Destruction and Logistics) why not just use a few bullets to kill this sociopath Putin and his ex-KGB Cronies? A couple of useless lives traded in for many. This is a highly effective and economic solution to this Humanitarian Tragedy. Anyone who still thinks that peace talks could help doesn’t realize that these Animals will not stop their War effort until their Objective is reached. Stop this Human Suffering and Insanity, Now! These criminals have no Remorse and will Continue to Destruct and cause Pain if not stopped immediately. It’s the only solution. Forget being “Civil” (for now, in this case). These Murderers must be held accountable! Let’s start by “Cyber Attacking” the Russian Leader and anyone who sympathizes with him and his nasty Sidekicks by simply Voicing our DEEPEST DISGUST to the highest degree.
(Photo and artwork by Dirk Marwig March 7th 2022)

Explorer Necklace  (Circuit board piece, plywood with leather cord, Dirk Marwig 2022)

Explorer Necklace (Circuit board piece, plywood with leather cord, Dirk Marwig 2022)

Fun to make, fun to wear.

Dirk Marwig: La Familia

Dirk Marwig: La Familia

La Familia
(Plywood and plexiglass ‘jewelry’, Dirk Marwig 2021)

Dirk Marwig 2021: Plywood jewelry- 4 plywood bracelets and one necklace with leather cording

Dirk Marwig 2021: Plywood jewelry- 4 plywood bracelets and one necklace with leather cording

Gepetto makes Regalos, again. Gold, silver, and diamonds do not interest me whatsoever(extravagantly bright or showy, typically so as to be tasteless)… *As always: -This is a political statement. Mind over Matter. Human and Humble. Evolution!
Plywood jewelry: 4 plywood bracelets and one necklace with leather cording, Dirk Marwig 2021

Dirk Marwig- A Good Day(Dirk Marwig photographed with Margareta Reeve 2021

Dirk Marwig- A Good Day(Dirk Marwig photographed with Margareta Reeve 2021

A good day at home.

3 new Plywood necklaces with leather cording, Dirk Marwig 2021

3 new Plywood necklaces with leather cording, Dirk Marwig 2021

3 new Plywood necklaces with leather cording, Dirk Marwig 2021. For Margareta! @dirkmarwig #dirkmarwig

The Dirk Marwig Mask. Manipulated Photo of Dirk Marwig in his studio.

The Dirk Marwig Mask. Manipulated Photo of Dirk Marwig in his studio.

The “Dirko Mask”. Manipulated Photo of Dirk Marwig in his studio.

Photo of Dirk Marwig in his Studio 2009?

Photo of Dirk Marwig in his Studio 2009?

Photo of Margareta Reeve by Dirk Marwig 30/08 21

Photo of Margareta Reeve by Dirk Marwig 30/08 21

Mi Jefa con collares de contrachapado con lino y cuero, all by Dirk Marwig 2021. *Photo by: Dirk Marwig (in the living room on a great day in the late summer of 2021, West Vancouver, Canada).

Happy Mystic Collection – Dirk Marwig 2021

Happy Mystic Collection – Dirk Marwig 2021

An artist should be able to do anything: Music, Poetry, Painting, Sculpture, to Act(like actor)…. be Inventive”like inventing things”…I just wanted to show what I made for my wife’s birthday(fashion jewelry wise) because so many of you liked my “Vogue” cover from 1987. As I said before: I really do not like doing such tedious and minute work but once in a while it is ok. “The Happy Mystic Collection” (Special white hardwood that looks like ‘Bone’ shown with a Hermes Scarf and photographed on my Angel Sofa) * I made this collection for my wife in May/June 2021. It includes: 1 Scarf Broach , 1 Bracelet, 1 Ring and 4 adjustable mix and match Necklaces. Made with Love for Love. Dirk Marwig

Ring #9 (Bloodwood and Plexiglass Ring, Dirk Marwig 2020)

Ring #9 (Bloodwood and Plexiglass Ring, Dirk Marwig 2020)

Exquisite Necklace (Plywood, painted canvas, oil and glue, Dirk Marwig 2020)

Exquisite Necklace (Plywood, painted canvas, oil and glue, Dirk Marwig 2020)

Life-Mask featuring Margareta Reeve. Foto by Dirk Marwig.

Life-Mask featuring Margareta Reeve. Foto by Dirk Marwig.

See many more Masks in the “Dirk Marwig Masks 2020 Catalogue”


Dirk Marwig Masks 2020 (complete)


Exit 7 Book 1(unfinished) Dirk Marwig 2020


Exit 7 Book 2 (unfinished) Dirk Marwig 2020


EXIT 7 Book 3 (unfinished) Dirk Marwig 2020


EXIT 7 Book 4 (unfinished) Dirk Marwig 2020

New Bracelets May 2020 (Plexiglass and plywood, Dirk Marwig 2020)

New Bracelets May 2020 (Plexiglass and plywood, Dirk Marwig 2020)

For Margareta. Happy Birthday!

Buzz Off Bow Tie (Plywood with enamel and silk, Dirk Marwig 2020)

Buzz Off Bow Tie (Plywood with enamel and silk, Dirk Marwig 2020)

Bring some fun to the Black Tie occasion. Silly? perhaps… So is WAR!
The only bow tie in the world with the 2 arrows! Buzzzzz
The “Mainstream” has no Personality. It’s Big, Bland, Boring and Colourless.

5 new unisex Dilettante scarves (100% cotton) designed by Dirk Marwig made by Margareta Reeve, 2019-2020)

5 new unisex Dilettante scarves (100% cotton) designed by Dirk Marwig made by Margareta Reeve, 2019-2020)

Not only for the Dilettante or Poser.

Dirk Marwig Special Collection 2019 (Plexiglass and Plywood Jewelry with beads, Dirk Marwig 2019)

Dirk Marwig Special Collection 2019 (Plexiglass and Plywood Jewelry with beads, Dirk Marwig 2019)

Plexiglass combined with plywood is a cool combination. Both are man-made: one is pure chemical(plexiglass), the other(plywood) uses man’s ability to alter nature. And again: 7 (seven) colours! Whoa!

Photo of Margareta Reeve by Dirk Marwig, Aug.04 2019

Photo of Margareta Reeve by Dirk Marwig, Aug.04 2019

Love you!

Dirk Marwig, “selfie” photograph at age 59. Photo taken July 9th 2019 in his home)west Vancouver, Canada.

Dirk Marwig, “selfie” photograph at age 59. Photo taken July 9th 2019 in his home)west Vancouver, Canada.

-This is who and how I am- (no fucking embellishments).
-This Photo was done solely for internet reference purposes “pics of Dirk Marwig”.
-Try, as I, to comprehend and compare the relationships of the complexities you encounter all the time.
… I’m happy! yeah… hmm. o.k. , -the pic doesn’t reflect this, right?…- wrong, amigos!! snark! I’m not a grinning monkey- …just not stupid.

Wooden Dowel Necklace (Dirk Marwig 2019)

Wooden Dowel Necklace (Dirk Marwig 2019)

Always use what is there, discover what’s hidden in plain sight.

The Wonderful World of Cable Ties (Photograph by DirK Marwig featuring all cable tie pieces plus Dirk Marwig tied up, June 25th 2019)

The Wonderful World of Cable Ties (Photograph by DirK Marwig featuring all cable tie pieces plus Dirk Marwig tied up, June 25th 2019)

“Seymour Glasses” (SEE-MORE) Logo and Dirk Marwig plus unknown model . Where it came from: Dirk Marwig designed the LOGO in 1986 for his “U-CREATE” brand

“Seymour Glasses” (SEE-MORE) Logo and Dirk Marwig plus unknown model . Where it came from: Dirk Marwig designed the LOGO in 1986 for his “U-CREATE” brand

This photo was taken in my apartment in NYC 1987 by my friend and great photographer Linda Covello. Dirk Marwig shows his “brand T-shirt” with an unknown “Elite”(agency) model. I’m just posting this for the sake of provenance and showing that I never throw anything useful away, in this case the logo which I altered a little 10 years later for my “Seymour Glasses”

Dilettante Scarves 2, 3 + 4 (100% cotton, designed by Dirk Marwig, knitted by Margareta Reeve 2018)

Dilettante Scarves 2, 3 + 4 (100% cotton, designed by Dirk Marwig, knitted by Margareta Reeve 2018)

These “Dilettante Scarves are super comfortable and I wear them all the time. Am I then the “Dilettante”? -Sometimes I really wonder.

Westmount Bracelet, Ring and Necklace (Plywood, plexi-glass and coloured beads, Dirk Marwig 2018)

Westmount Bracelet, Ring and Necklace (Plywood, plexi-glass and coloured beads, Dirk Marwig 2018)

A gift to Margareta!

Forget Me (Maybe?) Ring (Plywood and plexi-glass construction, Dirk Marwig 2018)

Forget Me (Maybe?) Ring (Plywood and plexi-glass construction, Dirk Marwig 2018)

*Adornment or Weapon? Made this for my gf. She will choose.

Very Long Bead Necklace with Display (19.3m of beads with plywood wall display: 38cm x 18cm x 9.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2018)

Very Long Bead Necklace with Display (19.3m of beads with plywood wall display: 38cm x 18cm x 9.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2018)

A gift to Margareta Reeve!

British Vogue June 1988 Dirk Marwig Bracelets, Shoes and Rings photographed by Javier Vallhonrat

British Vogue June 1988 Dirk Marwig Bracelets, Shoes and Rings photographed by Javier Vallhonrat

The credit says: “Fluorescent multi-colouered bangles, chunky rings, court shoes in fiery ‘Kandinsky’ colours all by Dirk Marwig for Marc Jacobs”. Sorry for the poor quality of the photo but this is the only reference I have.

VOGUE (USA) October 1987 -Cover credits- DIRK MARWIG (Rings)

VOGUE (USA) October 1987 -Cover credits- DIRK MARWIG (Rings)

I bought the VOGUE issue (October 1987) where my rings were featured on e-Bay only to see the cover credits, finally.

Lines Scarf 2018 (Knitted cotton scarf, 92cm x 92cm, Dirk Marwig with Margareta Reeve 2018)

Lines Scarf 2018 (Knitted cotton scarf, 92cm x 92cm, Dirk Marwig with Margareta Reeve 2018)

Thank You, Margareta Reeve for doing such a great job!

Mexican-American Friendship Collection (Bloodwood and Plexiglass Bracelets and Rings, Dirk Marwig 2017)

Mexican-American Friendship Collection (Bloodwood and Plexiglass Bracelets and Rings, Dirk Marwig 2017)

Let’s all do the Can-Can, ’cause we can- if we want to. This collection is made for Margareta.

Photo of Margareta Reeve taken by Dirk Marwig  June 16th 2017

Photo of Margareta Reeve taken by Dirk Marwig June 16th 2017

Dirk Marwig  ‘Self Portrait’  – Photograph-   June 16th 2017, West Vancouver, Canada

Dirk Marwig ‘Self Portrait’ – Photograph- June 16th 2017, West Vancouver, Canada

I do not like “selfies” but I needed to update my human ‘image’. So today (june 16th 2017) was the day to take that photo in front of a new painting which might be finished. For the “photo-phile”: the photo specs are: self timer 10sec, f/9.5 , speed 1/10, lens: Canon EF 1:1,2 85mm, camera: Canon EOS 5D Mark III -I’m glad it’s over!

Something fun:  “The Dilettante Scarf” -Dirk Marwig design-

Something fun: “The Dilettante Scarf” -Dirk Marwig design-

Something fun:
The Dilettante Scarf -I designed it and my G-friend (Margareta Reeve) knitted it.
(100% cotton, 222cm x 30 cm, May 2017)

Bloodwood Bracelet (Bloodwood, 10.5cm long x 7.5cm wide x 3cm deep, Dirk Marwig 2017)

Bloodwood Bracelet (Bloodwood, 10.5cm long x 7.5cm wide x 3cm deep, Dirk Marwig 2017)

I made this bracelet for Margareta as a present for Valentine’s Day 2017. -Kinda’ looks like a knuckle ring- hence “Bloodwood”!

2 FIMO Bracelets from 1987 (Dirk Marwig, New York City, 1987)

2 FIMO Bracelets from 1987 (Dirk Marwig, New York City, 1987)

After 30 years these 2 FIMO bracelets still look pretty good. Back in the day I considered them “Rejects”, therefore unworthy of being for sale so I kept them. These 2 bracelets had no “documentation” so today I finally took the photo.

KLUNKER KOLLEKTION 2 (Walnut-rose- and bloodwood bracelets, choker and ring with cable ties, Dirk Marwig 2017)

KLUNKER KOLLEKTION 2 (Walnut-rose- and bloodwood bracelets, choker and ring with cable ties, Dirk Marwig 2017)

New fun wearable art made with love for that special person in my life.

Dirk Marwig: Plywood, Plexiglass and Cable Tie bracelets and Plywood & Plexiglass ring , Photography: Linda Covello (CovelloPhoto NYC)

Dirk Marwig: Plywood, Plexiglass and Cable Tie bracelets and Plywood & Plexiglass ring , Photography: Linda Covello (CovelloPhoto NYC)

– Model – Kharla – Hair, Makeup & Photography – CovelloPhoto NYC

Headdress for the Divine Benevolent -side view- (Wearable plywood object with nylon string and high pigment lacquer, 78cm x 75cm x 82cm, Dirk Marwig 2015)

Headdress for the Divine Benevolent -side view- (Wearable plywood object with nylon string and high pigment lacquer, 78cm x 75cm x 82cm, Dirk Marwig 2015)

This is the semi-side back view of “Headdress for the Divine Benevolent.” It’s like Cinderella’s shoe: it will fit only the person to whom it is intended. I made this for my girlfriend for her birthday, only to wear for ceremonies, of course. Visionary.

Headdress for the Divine Benevolent -5 angles- (Wearable plywood object with nylon string and high pigment lacquer, 78cm x 75cm x 82cm, Dirk Marwig 2015)

Headdress for the Divine Benevolent -5 angles- (Wearable plywood object with nylon string and high pigment lacquer, 78cm x 75cm x 82cm, Dirk Marwig 2015)

Here are just 5 angles of this cool headdress. There are so many more. To wear it you must be a divine benevolent or at least aspire to be one!

Choker (choker necklace, Bloodwood and cable ties, 14.3cm diameter, Dirk Marwig 2014)

Choker (choker necklace, Bloodwood and cable ties, 14.3cm diameter, Dirk Marwig 2014)

The cable ties hold the ‘choker’ together(no glue)-Because bloodwood is a very hard wood and the cable ties are semi flexible you can pull it open (to slip it on ) and then it snaps back into the original shape/position…(you can see where you open it on the bottom left-where the pieces are not connected). You just have to calculate the size before.

Margareta’s Birthday Bracelet and Ring  (Plywood, Plexi-glass and Cable Tie “Jewelry”, Dirk Marwig 2014)

Margareta’s Birthday Bracelet and Ring (Plywood, Plexi-glass and Cable Tie “Jewelry”, Dirk Marwig 2014)

Happy Birthday,Margareta! Alles Liebe zum Geburtstag! I love mixing plexi-glass with plywood- it’s a great combination. I hope that you like it!

Design for Silk Leggings  (Oil on driftwood, 122cm x 19.5cm x 8.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2007)

Design for Silk Leggings (Oil on driftwood, 122cm x 19.5cm x 8.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2007)

“This was one of the first things I made when I moved to Vancouver,B.C. in 2007. I painted this color-combo on a piece of driftwood which I found on the beach.”

Cover of Vogue U.S. October 1987  Richard Avedon(Photo), Dirk Marwig(Rings), Rachel Williams(Model)

Cover of Vogue U.S. October 1987 Richard Avedon(Photo), Dirk Marwig(Rings), Rachel Williams(Model)

“My girlfriend was very pretty and to show my love for her, I made her some colourful bracelets and rings. She suggested that I make more and I try to sell them. So I went to a small store on Madison Ave.(New York City) and the shop lady took all the pieces on consignment. A few weeks later the shop lady phoned me and said that fashion scouts from Vogue magazine had ‘borrowed’ all of my jewelry pieces for a photo shoot. I was surprised. Then a couple of days later Vogue phoned me and told me that my ‘rings’ were going to be on the cover of the October Vogue issue and if I was o.k. with that. Of course, I was. Needless to say that all my pieces sold quickly. And that’s when things started to happen. I, the young artist found myself making expensive ‘fashion jewelry’. In a way I felt like a ‘sell-out’. But I was young and went with the flow. Life is very strange!”

Vogue May 1987. Image of Dirk Marwig (the artist) as a “Model”.  Strange!

Vogue May 1987. Image of Dirk Marwig (the artist) as a “Model”. Strange!

“Vogue magazine May 1987 edition. I’m the guy on the right laughing. I was probably laughing about the situation I found myself in. (Weird or funny…they used me to sell this tacky stuff). In October of 1987(that same year) my rings made the cover of Vogue. Life is hilarious sometimes!”

6 New Technique bracelets (Walnut-, Maple- and Cherrywood, Cable ties, Dirk Marwig 2013)

6 New Technique bracelets (Walnut-, Maple- and Cherrywood, Cable ties, Dirk Marwig 2013)

“I made ‘fashion jewelry’ to sell in my 20’s when I was living in New York City. Now I only make a few pieces here and there for the people I love. It’s also a way for me to try out new structural possibilities. This here is one example: I like simplicity and i like to combine things that normally wouldn’t ‘go’ together, like in this case combining hardwood with nylon cable ties to make something one can wear. These bracelets fit comfortably because they ‘give’ a little but are firmly held together by the cable ties. They are not glued. Using this new technique i will make much larger “things”(i will not say what-because then it will not be a surprise!-besides people like to copy my ideas and call them their own—unfortunately this happened to me many times before.”

Flyer for the “Ice-Bear” or “Klapse” club in Frankfurt-October 1982 (Ink on cardboard, Dirk Marwig 1982)

Flyer for the “Ice-Bear” or “Klapse” club in Frankfurt-October 1982 (Ink on cardboard, Dirk Marwig 1982)

-Those were the days when all publicity images was still hand drawn or simply just photographed, the days before computer images- a long time ago!
This is a flyer I did when I was 22 (for the club I worked at in Frankfurt,Germany)during my moves to NYC. I would fly back to Frankfurt and pick up some stuff I needed in New York and see my friends who were club owners and who gave me some design work to do while in town. The Club was called ”Eis Bear”(Polar Bear) or “Klapse”(Mental Institution) because the decor was all white and the music a mix of “Neue Deutsche Welle” plus Disco. It was a fun place to go to. The owner and main DJ of the club was Michael Muenzing, who later on produced “Snap”, a late 1980′s early 1990′s pop group. Michael Muenzing was also the main DJ in the DORIAN GRAY “small room” that featured R+B/Funk Music, apposed to the DORIAN GRAY main room that featured “BIJAN”(my DJ inspiration-he was the BEST), who played EVERYTHING that was hot(The LARRY LEVIN of Europe)…with elegance,style and POWER.
Michael Muenzing was also later on part owner the famous club “OMEN”, where Sven Väth got his chance(because there was nobody else around) to shine, I guess. Hence a star was born(or artificially produced).

In the Museum – Gesamteindruck- (Oil, ink and pencil on paper mounted on plywood -collage- , 57.8cm x 52cm, Dirk Marwig 2013)

In the Museum – Gesamteindruck- (Oil, ink and pencil on paper mounted on plywood -collage- , 57.8cm x 52cm, Dirk Marwig 2013)

It’s not what you see, it’s what you feel. Gesamteindruck = overall impression.

Kinetic   (Wearable object; plywood, rosewood, plexiglass + leather string, 35.5cm x 21.8cm, Dirk Marwig 2013)

Kinetic (Wearable object; plywood, rosewood, plexiglass + leather string, 35.5cm x 21.8cm, Dirk Marwig 2013)

Just slip it over the nape of your neck-it fits perfectly and does not come off unless you take it off!

Dirk Marwig-Self-Portait 02.14. 2013(selftimed photo:f/29 Shutter speed:0.8s)in front of “Unfinished”

Dirk Marwig-Self-Portait 02.14. 2013(selftimed photo:f/29 Shutter speed:0.8s)in front of “Unfinished”

Dirk Marwig:Self portait A 2011

Dirk Marwig:Self portait A 2011

(Self timed Photograph with the object”Twisted City”)

Dirk Marwig Jewelry,photo#2:Linda Covello NYC 1988

Dirk Marwig Jewelry,photo#2:Linda Covello NYC 1988

Dirk Marwig Jewelry,photo#2:Linda Covello NYC 1988

Dirk Marwig Jewelry photo:Linda Covello NYC 1988

Dirk Marwig Jewelry photo:Linda Covello NYC 1988

Dirk Marwig Jewelry photo:Linda Covello NYC 1988

Linda Covello’s Portrait of Dirk Marwig

Linda Covello’s Portrait of Dirk Marwig

Linda Covello’s Portrait of Dirk Marwig 1988



(Walnut+cherrywood on plywood+oil,45.5cmx35.4cmx12cm,Dirk Marwig 2012)



(Photograph-‘self portrait’-by Dirk Marwig,2011)



(Photograph-‘self portrait’- by Dirk Marwig,1984)



(Photocopies on paper,140cm x 180cm,Vancouver 2011)



(Jewelry by Dirk Marwig,New York 1988)



(Bracelets by Dirk Marwig,Harper’s Bazaar,1988



(Shoes +jewelry by Dirk Marwig,Clothes by Marc Jacobs,1988)



(All rings by Dirk Marwig,New York 1988)



(All jewelry by Dirk Marwig,New York,1988)



(All jewelry by Dirk Marwig,Jacket by Marc Jacobs,1988)

AMERICAN PHOTOGRAPHY SHOWCASE 1989 -Volume 12- (Cover) Shoes, Bracelets, Rings and Earrings all by Dirk Marwig 1988

AMERICAN PHOTOGRAPHY SHOWCASE 1989 -Volume 12- (Cover) Shoes, Bracelets, Rings and Earrings all by Dirk Marwig 1988

“Thanks to ‘eBay’i was able to buy a hardcover copy of the original ‘American Photography Showcase Volume 12’published in New York in 1989. This was a competition company of ‘The Black and Silver Books’ sent to all Ad and Publicity agencies in The United States. The photo selected for the cover was by James Joern and it features my Jewelry and Shoes. The golden silk ‘house-robe’on the model was a gift to my ex-girlfriend by my mother and the photographer used it as well. My payment was a ‘dinner out’ with the photographer, whooopi doo!”



(Ink on paper,A3 format,New York City 1988)



(Walnut-+cherrywood bracelet,8cm x 8cm x 4,5cm x 0.6cm,Vancouver 2011)



(Shoes:Dirk Marwig,Vogue Paris,February 1988)



(Jewelry+shoes:Dirk Marwig,Bitish Vogue,June 1988)

U-CREATE™ by Dirk Marwig,1988

U-CREATE™ by Dirk Marwig,1988

1988 dirk Marwig creates the U-CREATE…a “do it yourself T-shirt” kit. It sells (among other stores) at the Guggenheim Museum of Art, the Whitney Museum of Art, both in N.Y.C., the Chicago Museum of Modern Art ,the Los Angeles Museum of Contemporary Art gift shops and at F.A.O.SCHWARTZ,N.Y.C.
(The Kit included: T-shirt,fabric paints,brush+idea sheet,box:17.3cm x 17.3cm x 6cm, Dirk Marwig, New York City 1988)



(Ink on paper,A4 format,Madrid 1997)