The Greedy (Oil and string on wine crate top, 33.2cm x 52.2cm x 4.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2025)

The Greedy (Oil and string on wine crate top, 33.2cm x 52.2cm x 4.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2025)

Untitled 1 -America is Trash series- (Acrylic on cardboard with cotton string, 64.4cm x 53.3cm, Dirk Marwig 2025)

Untitled 1 -America is Trash series- (Acrylic on cardboard with cotton string, 64.4cm x 53.3cm, Dirk Marwig 2025)

Absurd mind flush attempts,  criminal power displays, and the dominance of stupidity are all controlled by the insecure, needy, and greedy billionaire class.

Reverse Mohawk (Oil and ink on a sand sack found on street, 65cm x 34cm, Dirk Marwig 2022)

Reverse Mohawk (Oil and ink on a sand sack found on street, 65cm x 34cm, Dirk Marwig 2022)

Look at it, throw it away, or pull it over your head. Whatever works for you.

Gold,man Sucks (Object 11.1kg / 34.5cm x 56cm x 12.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2023)

Gold,man Sucks (Object 11.1kg / 34.5cm x 56cm x 12.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2023)

*For me, Gold is “Super Kitsch”. It is a vulgar symbol of power. It is the cause of murder, betrayal, envy, hate, and division. My object has another meaning (say the words)—a name synonymous with corruption in investment banking! So. basically the same thing!
&url=" target="_blank">   
Eww (2 objects by Dirk Marwig, photographed by Dirk Marwig 2023)

Eww (2 objects by Dirk Marwig, photographed by Dirk Marwig 2023)

from left to right:
“M.A.F.I.A. Mexican American Friendship Initiation Award” (Plywood construction, high pigment lacquer, 75cm x 46cm x 14cm, Dirk Marwig 2014),
“Everything is only a Trick” (Free-standing plywood construction with titanium white oil wash, 75cm x 63cm x 14.6cm, Dirk Marwig 2015)
"M.A.F.I.A. Mexican American Friendship Initiation Award" (Plywood construction, high pigment lacquer, 75cm x 46cm x 14cm, Dirk Marwig 2014),
"Everything is only a Trick" (Free-standing plywood construction with titanium white oil wash, 75cm x 63cm x 14.6cm, Dirk Marwig 2015)
&url=" target="_blank"> 
The Band: (Photo of 5 pieces by Dirk Marwig photographed by Dirk Marwig, 2023)

The Band: (Photo of 5 pieces by Dirk Marwig photographed by Dirk Marwig, 2023)

Dirk Marwig ‘369’ Video May 15th 2022

Dirk Marwig ‘369’ Video May 15th 2022" target="_blank">   
Puta + Tonto “The Axis of Evil” (Plywood pickleball racket with high pigment lacquer and plastic grip, Dirk Marwig 2022)

Puta + Tonto “The Axis of Evil” (Plywood pickleball racket with high pigment lacquer and plastic grip, Dirk Marwig 2022)

Whichever face you hit or smash, you always hit the right one! Let’s give them Pain! Boom! Bam! Smack!
Puta +Tonto “The Axis of Evil”(showing both sides).
This racket is made from scratch. It is also functional. I’ll use it the next time I play pickleball. Even if I lose the match, I still win because I walloped these 2 bastards, (forehand and backhand), really hard! Putin’s ‘War on the World’ only has one end: Putin’s End. This deranged Killer and the dumb evil clown must be held accountable (He and His Enablers). There is No Other Way to remedy this situation. Would you negotiate with a killer or a serial liar?- Nope.
We all need to act! We all need to voice our disgust, all the time,  and on every possible platform! Fuck Putin and his Kleptocratic War Machine. Fuck useless and evil Trump along with his spineless and nasty conspirators.

NEMESIS (My old soccer shoes, cut up, arranged and mounted on plywood board, 76cm x 33.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2022)

NEMESIS (My old soccer shoes, cut up, arranged and mounted on plywood board, 76cm x 33.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2022)

Modern Person -3 angles- (Pacific yellow cedar with coloured cotton string, 96.5cm x 41cm x 18cm, Dirk Marwig 2021)

Modern Person -3 angles- (Pacific yellow cedar with coloured cotton string, 96.5cm x 41cm x 18cm, Dirk Marwig 2021)

A Modern Person making a Modern Person. 2021.

Untitled Object 1994( Black slate, shaped and engraved with oil on plywood stand, dim.unknown, Dirk marwig 1994),

Untitled Object 1994( Black slate, shaped and engraved with oil on plywood stand, dim.unknown, Dirk marwig 1994),

Recently found photo of the 1994 Object “Untitled 1994”.

The photo shoot ‘Set’ of “Non Deep Fake Object” Dirk Marwig 2021. (Taken with the phone camera)

The photo shoot ‘Set’ of “Non Deep Fake Object” Dirk Marwig 2021. (Taken with the phone camera)

Non Deep Fake Object (Cotoneaster arching branches tied together with coloured cotton string, 254cm x 94cm x 96cm, Dirk Marwig  2021)

Non Deep Fake Object (Cotoneaster arching branches tied together with coloured cotton string, 254cm x 94cm x 96cm, Dirk Marwig 2021)

I do not like “deep fake”. This is as real and as simple as it gets. Idea+Branches+String+Time=Non Deep Fake Object.

King and Queen (Bamboo construction with cable Ties photographed from 2 sides, 47cm x 51cm x 29cm, Dirk Marwig 2021)

King and Queen (Bamboo construction with cable Ties photographed from 2 sides, 47cm x 51cm x 29cm, Dirk Marwig 2021)

2 sides of the Same.

Confetti Head (Perforated hardwood with enamel and oil on bloodwood base, 44.5cm x 25cm x 19cm, Dirk Marwig 2020)

Confetti Head (Perforated hardwood with enamel and oil on bloodwood base, 44.5cm x 25cm x 19cm, Dirk Marwig 2020)

Confetti Head or Bubble Brain. The year of 2020. Adios.

H-20  (Plywood construction with high pigment lacquer -wall object-  35cm x 26.6cm x 3cm, Dirk Marwig 2020)

H-20 (Plywood construction with high pigment lacquer -wall object- 35cm x 26.6cm x 3cm, Dirk Marwig 2020)

Hidden Perfection. Based on the Divine Proportions.

The Wannabe Dictator (Western Red cedar with titanium white oil wash, 73cm x 38cm x 30cm, Dirk Marwig 2020)

The Wannabe Dictator (Western Red cedar with titanium white oil wash, 73cm x 38cm x 30cm, Dirk Marwig 2020)

Trash-TV Clown Trump is the wannabe Dictator. Yak Yak. (April 2020)

My Little Friend -various angles- (Fir wood, leather and Traktor sticker, 22.5cm x 21cm x 12.8cm, Dirk Marwig 2008)

My Little Friend -various angles- (Fir wood, leather and Traktor sticker, 22.5cm x 21cm x 12.8cm, Dirk Marwig 2008)

This object from 2008 was never photographed until now, in 2020. I used it for my laptop.

Extar-rework- (Cardboard construction with string, oil and pigment lacquer, 44.2cm x 35.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2019)

Extar-rework- (Cardboard construction with string, oil and pigment lacquer, 44.2cm x 35.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2019)

Discover WHO YOU ARE.

Homage to Number 7 #2 (Recycled wood and oil, 27.5cm x 38.2cm x 38.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2019)

Homage to Number 7 #2 (Recycled wood and oil, 27.5cm x 38.2cm x 38.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2019)

The same concept as “Homage to the amazing Number 7” using damaged restwood that would normally go into the garbage. Thank you.

Homage to the amazing Number 7 (Recycled patio table top and oil, 25cm x 47.5cm x 48cm, Dirk Marwig 2019)

Homage to the amazing Number 7 (Recycled patio table top and oil, 25cm x 47.5cm x 48cm, Dirk Marwig 2019)

The amazing number 7 -look up the meaning and significance of this number! For this object I used an old wooden patio table top and constructed 15 regular Heptagons cut at an angle(so that they would not be flat) then stacked and glued them together according to size (from small to large). So simple but not.

Chief (Pacific cedar, 95.5cm x 47cm x 43cm, Dirk Marwig 2019)

Chief (Pacific cedar, 95.5cm x 47cm x 43cm, Dirk Marwig 2019)


Architectural Plaything (Plywood construction with nylon string, 20.5cm x 47cm x 31.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2019)

Architectural Plaything (Plywood construction with nylon string, 20.5cm x 47cm x 31.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2019)

You can sit on it and it will not break thanks to the solid structural curved plywood backbone. PURE.

Untitled 03. 2019 (Juniper and cable ties- wall object, 60cm x 60cm, Dirk Marwig 2019)

Untitled 03. 2019 (Juniper and cable ties- wall object, 60cm x 60cm, Dirk Marwig 2019)

Credit (Plywood construction (wall object), 57.8cm x 95cm x 3.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2018)

Credit (Plywood construction (wall object), 57.8cm x 95cm x 3.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2018)

I give to you Credit! *Based on the ‘Golden Section’.

Odd but Nice (Plywood construction, 40cm x 47cm x 4.9cm, Dirk Marwig 2018)

Odd but Nice (Plywood construction, 40cm x 47cm x 4.9cm, Dirk Marwig 2018)

Fuck You (Old longboard, 105cm x 24cm x ht. adjustable…, Dirk Marwig 2018)

Fuck You (Old longboard, 105cm x 24cm x ht. adjustable…, Dirk Marwig 2018)

*I used an older Sector 9 skateboard model to make the “Fuck You” object. *In the 74 years since it’s ‘invention’ the skateboard has never been (according to in-depth research) altered and/or depicted/described like this. The concept is so simple that it evaded “capture” as up to now. The content/purpose of the phrase “Fuck You” in this context is is also altered in a way that it makes you smile! Fuck You Status Quo!, Fuck You!

Electric Mustang No.2 (25m old extension cord and cable ties mounted on wooden display board, 76cm x 101cm, Dirk Marwig 2018)

Electric Mustang No.2 (25m old extension cord and cable ties mounted on wooden display board, 76cm x 101cm, Dirk Marwig 2018)

This is the 2nd version of my “Electric Mustang” also made from a ‘used’ 25m extension cord, this time a gift for two good friends of mine. The ‘Gift Horse’?!

Klitveld (Plywood construction with nylon string and stainless steel stand, 205cm x 83.5cm x 30cm, Dirk Marwig 2018)

Klitveld (Plywood construction with nylon string and stainless steel stand, 205cm x 83.5cm x 30cm, Dirk Marwig 2018)

The name ‘Klitveld’ is an invention of Dirk Marwig. The concept is as old as life itself.

Bestia Blanca (Plywood construction with enamel, 218cm x 102cm x 46cm, Dirk Marwig 2017)

Bestia Blanca (Plywood construction with enamel, 218cm x 102cm x 46cm, Dirk Marwig 2017)

My new object “Bestia BLanca” (White Beast) photographed on my patio at dusk (December 10th 2017) in West Vancouver, Canada.

Nerd (Maplewood construction, 50.5cm x 56.3cm x 7.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2017)

Nerd (Maplewood construction, 50.5cm x 56.3cm x 7.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2017)

The exact same engraving of the grid (with the ‘Golden Section’ as it’s DNA) is on the other side as well, which is characteristic of the repetitive behaviours found in the little (sometimes autistic) nerd with special powers.

The Dilettante Standing on a Shiny Floor (Pacific yellow cedar and plexiglass, 95.5cm x 21cm x 10.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2017)

The Dilettante Standing on a Shiny Floor (Pacific yellow cedar and plexiglass, 95.5cm x 21cm x 10.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2017)

Dilettante: A person who cultivates an area of interest, such as the arts, without real commitment or knowledge. In this case: The groomed, posing and ‘vogueing’ hipster standing on a shiny floor at every art gallery opening. He or she is only there to be seen, for the free drinks/cocktails/canapés and to hobnob with the “in”crowd; never to buy a piece, of course. Makes me laugh.
The photo shows both sides of the object/construction.

VOYEUR (Construction made from a wooden wire spool, 80cm x 111.5cm x 3cm, Dirk Marwig 2017)

VOYEUR (Construction made from a wooden wire spool, 80cm x 111.5cm x 3cm, Dirk Marwig 2017)

*Six simple cuts were applied to the plywood spool (2 discs) to make the components which then were arranged to construct “VOYEUR”. An almost ‘readymade’. It makes me smile because the distilled result is so multi-layered and congruent, something you would not expect.
A logo for “Voyeur Nation” !

Box Boy (Wall object-116 pieces of fir wood, 97cm x 72.8cm x 3.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2017)

Box Boy (Wall object-116 pieces of fir wood, 97cm x 72.8cm x 3.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2017)

A module made out of components with a sequence. The generic: Box Boy

Modern Man (Aged yellow cedar with oil wash, 95cm x 29cm x 13cm, Dirk Marwig 2017)

Modern Man (Aged yellow cedar with oil wash, 95cm x 29cm x 13cm, Dirk Marwig 2017)

The photo shows both sides of this free standing object.

GoGo (Maple branch cut into 107 slices then glued together with titanium white oil wash, 139cm x 33cm x 33cm, Dirk Marwig 2017)

GoGo (Maple branch cut into 107 slices then glued together with titanium white oil wash, 139cm x 33cm x 33cm, Dirk Marwig 2017)

The simplest ideas always work. In this case taking a dried branch and cutting it at an angle into many slices then glueing it back together again with(and ‘in’) perfect balance. I was really surprised with the result but during the process I had my doubts. Could something so basic actually have more of a meaning to it? A Zen thing.

AMIGO (Old outdoor extension cable with cable ties, 41cm x 31cm x 30.3cm, Dirk Marwig 2017)

AMIGO (Old outdoor extension cable with cable ties, 41cm x 31cm x 30.3cm, Dirk Marwig 2017)

My little unemployed and disconnected Amigo standing there all alone. Aww!
From left to right: Waiting, Eager to please,then Resignation!

New Tall Light Object (Plywood construction with cable ties, LED’s and high pigment lacquer, 274cm x 27cm x 26.4cm,  Dirk Marwig 2016)

New Tall Light Object (Plywood construction with cable ties, LED’s and high pigment lacquer, 274cm x 27cm x 26.4cm, Dirk Marwig 2016)

This new plywood light object is only held together with the help of many cable ties from the inside and out. No glue or screws were used. Despite the height (274 cm or 9 feet) and because of it’s architecture this light object is lightweight while being straight and solid (does not lean or wobble). It was photographed December 18th 2016 in my living room in West Vancouver, Canada with a few other pieces of mine.

The Exhibitionist (Plywood construction, 40.8cm x 49cm x 5cm, Dirk Marwig 2016)

The Exhibitionist (Plywood construction, 40.8cm x 49cm x 5cm, Dirk Marwig 2016)

This little object just makes me laugh. The glorification of the random pervert! Voilà.

Dirk Marwig’s New World Cup (Cedar wood construction with turquoise oil wash, 33.5cm x 37cm x 37cm, Dirk Marwig 2016)

Dirk Marwig’s New World Cup (Cedar wood construction with turquoise oil wash, 33.5cm x 37cm x 37cm, Dirk Marwig 2016)

My only trophy. My turquoise New World Cup Trophy. My”feel good” present to myself.

Exercise in Form and Perception  (Freestanding and balanced plywood construction, 62cm x 52cm x 28cm, Dirk Marwig 2016)

Exercise in Form and Perception (Freestanding and balanced plywood construction, 62cm x 52cm x 28cm, Dirk Marwig 2016)

I like to experiment with the ‘odd’ shape, angle or form.

Exercise in Form and Perception _12 angles_ (Freestanding and balanced plywood construction, 62cm x 52cm x 28cm, Dirk Marwig 2016)

Exercise in Form and Perception _12 angles_ (Freestanding and balanced plywood construction, 62cm x 52cm x 28cm, Dirk Marwig 2016)

This shows 12 angles of the object, turning it on the axis. This object stands on any solid and level surface.

‘Untitled 2016’ close-up  (Plywood construction with oil and nylon string, 101cm x 101cm x 5,5cm, Dirk Marwig 2016)

‘Untitled 2016’ close-up (Plywood construction with oil and nylon string, 101cm x 101cm x 5,5cm, Dirk Marwig 2016)

Untitled-wall Object- 2016  (Plywood construction with oil and nylon string, 101cm x 101cm x 5,5cm, Dirk Marwig 2016)

Untitled-wall Object- 2016 (Plywood construction with oil and nylon string, 101cm x 101cm x 5,5cm, Dirk Marwig 2016)

This is the result of the repetition of the same ‘free-form’ 26 times over. The 1st sequence of 13 being the full colour spectrum connected to the 2nd sequence of ‘the white to medium grey’ spectrum (also 13). After this each new composed ‘unit’ (13 in all) is connected to the next unit with the exact same ‘positioning’ until a full circle is achieved. Now something happens that I cannot explain (yet). My feeling tells me that it’s something interesting.

Mediterranean Chic  -different angle- (Shaped plywood object with oil, 41cm x 80cm x 25.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2016)

Mediterranean Chic -different angle- (Shaped plywood object with oil, 41cm x 80cm x 25.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2016)

This was fun to photograph. It has so many cool angles because of the ‘shape’ and ‘bend’ given to the plywood. On top of that the distorted lines with 2 external “flight points” which correspond to the ‘essence’ or flow of the shape. This piece is based on the distillation of “Associations” connected to the ‘Mediterranean’, my way of seeing, of course. Timeless!

Mediterranean Chic (Shaped plywood object with oil, 41cm x 80cm x 25.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2016)

Mediterranean Chic (Shaped plywood object with oil, 41cm x 80cm x 25.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2016)

Anisotropic (Plywood and plexiglass construction with LED lights, cable ties and remote ctrl., 182.5cm x 49cm x 4cm (base: 36cm x 41cm) Dirk Marwig 2016)

Anisotropic (Plywood and plexiglass construction with LED lights, cable ties and remote ctrl., 182.5cm x 49cm x 4cm (base: 36cm x 41cm) Dirk Marwig 2016)

Anisotropy is the property of being directionally dependent. An example of anisotropy is the light coming through a polarizer. Another is wood, which is easier to split along its grain than against it. In physics cosmic anisotropy has been seen in the alignment of galaxies’ rotation axes and polarisation angles of quasars. Physicists use the term anisotropy to describe direction-dependent properties of materials. For example: Wood is a naturally anisotropic material. Its properties vary widely when measured with or against the growth grain. For example, wood’s strength and hardness is different for the same sample measured in different orientations.

LAMP Dirk Marwig 2015 (Plywood, plexiglass and cable tie construction with LED lights and dimmer, 69cm x 31cm x 17cm, Dirk Marwig 2015)

LAMP Dirk Marwig 2015 (Plywood, plexiglass and cable tie construction with LED lights and dimmer, 69cm x 31cm x 17cm, Dirk Marwig 2015)

I’m in the “making something useful for the house” mode and so after making 3 chairs I now finished a “lamp”. I only used plywood and plexiglass rest cuts that were in my studio.

Everything is only a Trick (Free-standing plywood construction with titanium white oil wash, 75cm x 63cm x 14.6cm, Dirk Marwig 2015)

Everything is only a Trick (Free-standing plywood construction with titanium white oil wash, 75cm x 63cm x 14.6cm, Dirk Marwig 2015)

Here’s the ‘Trick’ : This object is perfectly balanced from the inside and that’s why it stands on any hard and level surface the way you see it in the photo. It won’t fall unless you push it. -If you look at it long enough(squinting) it even looks “embossed”! “Everything is only a Trick” carries the ‘Golden Section’ as it’s DNA. I was asked by more than one person: Did you cut all pieces by hand? -My answer was: I cut everything by hand with a variable speed jig saw. Precision is my ‘weapon’. I always use basic tools that anyone would have in their studio/workshop. This piece had zero ‘waste’, meaning I made no mistakes and didn’t have to recut shapes – this rarely happens! Yes. No Mystery. Does this fact make it less?

Headdress for the Divine Benevolent -side view- (Wearable plywood object with nylon string and high pigment lacquer, 78cm x 75cm x 82cm, Dirk Marwig 2015)

Headdress for the Divine Benevolent -side view- (Wearable plywood object with nylon string and high pigment lacquer, 78cm x 75cm x 82cm, Dirk Marwig 2015)

This is the semi-side back view of “Headdress for the Divine Benevolent.” It’s like Cinderella’s shoe: it will fit only the person to whom it is intended. I made this for my girlfriend for her birthday, only to wear for ceremonies, of course. Visionary.

Headdress for the Divine Benevolent -5 angles- (Wearable plywood object with nylon string and high pigment lacquer, 78cm x 75cm x 82cm, Dirk Marwig 2015)

Headdress for the Divine Benevolent -5 angles- (Wearable plywood object with nylon string and high pigment lacquer, 78cm x 75cm x 82cm, Dirk Marwig 2015)

Here are just 5 angles of this cool headdress. There are so many more. To wear it you must be a divine benevolent or at least aspire to be one!

Manolo-Litho  (Cedar and plywood construction with enamel, 164cm x 43cm x 24.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2015)

Manolo-Litho (Cedar and plywood construction with enamel, 164cm x 43cm x 24.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2015)

My art always seems to look like comic or cartoon-ish versions of ideas that I carry with me all the time. I often ask myself the question if what I do is the work of an imbecile or the opposite. This object shows what I meant in the last sentence! The bottom plywood pieces are 19 “Golden Rectangles”, the size relating to the height of the cedar.

Manolo-Litho -4 angles- (Cedar and plywood construction with enamel, 164cm x 43cm x 24.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2015)

Manolo-Litho -4 angles- (Cedar and plywood construction with enamel, 164cm x 43cm x 24.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2015)

T.W.I.R.P. -3 angles-  (Cedar-and Bloodwood, titanium white wood-oil wash, 88cm x 31.5cm x 14cm, Dirk Marwig 2015)

T.W.I.R.P. -3 angles- (Cedar-and Bloodwood, titanium white wood-oil wash, 88cm x 31.5cm x 14cm, Dirk Marwig 2015)

T.W.I.R.P. stands for: True Wisdom In Relative Paradigms. -Everything can be viewed in a different way (just like changing the lens of the the camera the subject suddenly changes it’s appearance and is replaced by a new one. One appearance is replaced by another simply by changing the lens through which the subject is observed. Philosophically speaking this applies to “Truths”, Concepts and Theories of every kind. What is considered an “absolute” Truth is therefore no longer valid. This little, annoying and ever-present TWIRP reminds you to ‘take your world of ideas’ not to seriously and to be just a little bit more “humble” because NOTHING is “ABSOLUTE”(not even the last sentence)! This object looks like something from the Past or of of the Future, something ever Present.

Henry Moore on Acid  (Cherry wood object, 53.5cm x 47cm x 36.5cm, 15.8 kg, Dirk Marwig 2015)

Henry Moore on Acid (Cherry wood object, 53.5cm x 47cm x 36.5cm, 15.8 kg, Dirk Marwig 2015)

This is just 1 angle of “Henry Moore on Acid”. There are hundreds of them. Since a “trip” doesn’t have a ‘fixed point of view’, this object complies perfectly- many points of view flowing into each other, with only one trip! :)

Henry Moore on Acid -12 angles- (Cherry wood object, 53.5cm x 47cm x 36.5cm, 15.8 kg, Dirk Marwig 2015)

Henry Moore on Acid -12 angles- (Cherry wood object, 53.5cm x 47cm x 36.5cm, 15.8 kg, Dirk Marwig 2015)

These are only 12 angles… This objects has hundreds of cool angles! It has 3 perfectly balanced “standing points” and can be put on any hard level surface. It weighs 15.8kg. Henry Moore on Acid!

Alcoholic Conversation (Plywood construction with high pigment lacquer and nylon string, 68.8cm x 74cm x 23cm, Dirk Marwig 2015)

Alcoholic Conversation (Plywood construction with high pigment lacquer and nylon string, 68.8cm x 74cm x 23cm, Dirk Marwig 2015)

This object(viewed in this pic from 3 angles) can be put on the wall or placed on a level surface. An alcoholic counterpoint conversation/composition in A-minor!

Electric Mustang  (Old 25m extension cable with cable ties, 70cm x 95cm, Dirk Marwig 2015)

Electric Mustang (Old 25m extension cable with cable ties, 70cm x 95cm, Dirk Marwig 2015)

*I used one old 25m long extension cable (not cutting it up), simply rolling and folding it and holding the shapes in place with cable ties. Anything can be transformed into something timeless and beautiful just with a little love and time. I began in the middle (where the eye is) and worked my way to the outside (lower left). It’s like a quick sketch/drawing-but done with a semi rigid material, a flowing maze by the work of a crazy person(which I have to be, I guess). ELECTRIC! Screw the ‘philistines’ of this world!

Meth-A-Matic/Chief Thief  -3 different angles- (Plywood construction with enamel and oil, 85cm x 19cm x 16.9cm, Dirk Marwig 2015)

Meth-A-Matic/Chief Thief -3 different angles- (Plywood construction with enamel and oil, 85cm x 19cm x 16.9cm, Dirk Marwig 2015)

Crooks,large and small taking the loot and making a run for it.

Divine  (Plywood construction and high pigment lacquer, 41.2cm x 66.8cm, Dirk Marwig 2015)

Divine (Plywood construction and high pigment lacquer, 41.2cm x 66.8cm, Dirk Marwig 2015)

Again a piece based on the “Golden Section”. The story of the odd sized, “oval/roundish” in awe of the “perfect sphere” that’s in the perfect spot!

Fanfarone Testosterone -side A- (Cardboard construction with plywood inlay and encasing and bloodwood base; colour: oil and high pigment lacquer, 191cm x 83cm x 20cm, Dirk Marwig 2015)

Fanfarone Testosterone -side A- (Cardboard construction with plywood inlay and encasing and bloodwood base; colour: oil and high pigment lacquer, 191cm x 83cm x 20cm, Dirk Marwig 2015)

Two primitive “machos” showing what they’ve got (to each other!). This male behaviour pattern cracks me up.

Fanfarone Testosterone -side B-  (Cardboard construction with plywood inlay and encasing and bloodwood base; colour: oil and high pigment lacquer, 191cm x 83cm x 20cm, Dirk Marwig 2015)

Fanfarone Testosterone -side B- (Cardboard construction with plywood inlay and encasing and bloodwood base; colour: oil and high pigment lacquer, 191cm x 83cm x 20cm, Dirk Marwig 2015)

This entertaining and slightly awkward trait of the primitive “macho” who shows off all his colours during the mating season in order to produce and show himself off has always put a smirkish smile on my face! Still does.

The Place of Lovely Ideas  (-wall object- plywood construction with oil and string, 51cm x 72.5cm x 3.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2015)

The Place of Lovely Ideas (-wall object- plywood construction with oil and string, 51cm x 72.5cm x 3.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2015)

* When I finish a piece like this one I feel fortunate.
It unlocks something special(in myself, at least). What you see is full of contradictions that coexist harmoniously, creating a level that is foreign and known to us simultaneously. The cycle of Contradiction, harmony, and Juxtaposition is working its magic. Beyond words, it is private and intimate.


Untitled Construction 2015  (Cedar and plywood, 113.5cm x 73.5cm x 23.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2015)

Untitled Construction 2015 (Cedar and plywood, 113.5cm x 73.5cm x 23.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2015)

4 X the Fibonacci sequence of 1,1,2,3,5,8,13 and 21. The interesting beauty of math. The ‘divine angle’ 137.5º was used as reference to cut all the pieces.

The Deal / El Trato (Cedar wall object, 78cm x 90.5cm x 3.2cm, Dirk Marwig 2014)

The Deal / El Trato (Cedar wall object, 78cm x 90.5cm x 3.2cm, Dirk Marwig 2014)

-Every ‘deal'(trato in spanish) has a detailed, limited framework on which 2 parties(or more) agree upon. The framework has a distinct ‘make-up’ only known to the parties involved – all ‘outsiders’ are excluded. So the framework becomes another- the 3rd element. Together all 3 elements form one’whole’ unit. The ‘handshake’ being the ‘glue’, the finalization or the manifestation of the Deal.

Margareta (-Plywood construction-plywood and fishing line, 48.5cm x 28.5cm x 38cm, Dirk Marwig 2014)

Margareta (-Plywood construction-plywood and fishing line, 48.5cm x 28.5cm x 38cm, Dirk Marwig 2014)

Sometimes ‘it’ just happens: with my kind of twisted logic I cut various pieces of plywood rests at a particular angle, assorted the cut pieces according to size and then started sewing the pieces together. Without thinking or expecting something great to happen I then connected the 2 extremes and with surprise, suddenly came the idea. I made a few more pieces and the idea came to life: the object you see in the photo. During the construction “it” fell 3 times from my work table to the ground- “it” never broke despite it’s fragile appearance.

Balkonien  (Plywood construction-wall object-, 85.3cm x 80.2cm x 4,5cm, Dirk Marwig 2014)

Balkonien (Plywood construction-wall object-, 85.3cm x 80.2cm x 4,5cm, Dirk Marwig 2014)

“Balkonien” the resort on the balcony(‘Balkon’ in german). If you can’t afford to go anywhere on vacation, you can always go to Balkonien!
-I used 32 ‘Golden Rectangles’, dissected them into their major components (2 triangles or 3 proportionate squares for one rectangle) then reassembled them to construct this wall object.
-If you look closely the “Golden Rectangle” appears everywhere: for example: negative space + positive space = a Golden rectangle or just look at the positive spaces: large and small ‘Golden Rectangles’ appear everywhere, even overlapping each other. It’s like ‘filling in’ the missing line(s) to construct the perfect rectangle with your mind.

Medium  (Plywood construction with nylon string – kinetic object-,  65cm x 86cm x 41cm, Dirk Marwig 2014)

Medium (Plywood construction with nylon string – kinetic object-, 65cm x 86cm x 41cm, Dirk Marwig 2014)

I always wanted to make a ‘mobile’ or a ‘kinetic object’ with perfect balance but not with ‘wire’ because for some reason I don’t like ‘wire’. This plywood object hangs from the ceiling with a nylon string and moves, shakes and turns according to the air current in the space.

“?” (Plywood and plastic straw construction, 20.3cm x 20.3cm x 5.7cm, Dirk Marwig 2014)

“?” (Plywood and plastic straw construction, 20.3cm x 20.3cm x 5.7cm, Dirk Marwig 2014)

Here is a photo of the little ‘desk-object’ called “?”
I gave this little “desk Object” away today on my “Ello” page:
This little gift was token of my appreciation to all the people who have shown interest in my work on that site. It was ‘given away’ to the first person who contacted me via my website ( and shortly after posting it(like 3 minutes) a request was already in my e-mail.Now it is somewhere in Australia.

The Soul of Constructivism (Plywood construction painted with oil and enamel, 87cm x 26cm x 10cm, Dirk Marwig 2014)

The Soul of Constructivism (Plywood construction painted with oil and enamel, 87cm x 26cm x 10cm, Dirk Marwig 2014)

This wall object’s appearance depends on the lighting or illumination.

Something for the Log Cabin (Plywood construction with high pigment lacquer -wall object- , 106cm x 84.3cm x 3.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2014)

Something for the Log Cabin (Plywood construction with high pigment lacquer -wall object- , 106cm x 84.3cm x 3.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2014)

This wall object is a meditation piece. It’s made to relax and stimulate the mind at the same time. Something for the retreat in the log cabin in the mountains.

Project Reveen (Plywood construction, 182cm x 36cm x 21.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2014)

Project Reveen (Plywood construction, 182cm x 36cm x 21.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2014)

The idea for ‘Project Reveen’ came to me in a flash of a second, the little drawing of what the project would look like was done in 2 minutes but the execution and finishing of the construction/object took me a little over 2 weeks. I had to keep myself focused because it was so boring to cut and assemble all that plywood-factory style.

New Balance -side view-(Free-standing “restored construction site wood” object, leather and special lacquer, 101cm x 53cm x 9cm, Dirk Marwig 2014)

New Balance -side view-(Free-standing “restored construction site wood” object, leather and special lacquer, 101cm x 53cm x 9cm, Dirk Marwig 2014)

This is the ‘full side view’ of “New Balance”. This “free standing” object will not fall over unless you push it! (Just like the ‘Junkie’ on the street corner wearing those New Balance runners, forever swaying but never falling over!)

New Balance – 4 angles- (Free-standing “restored construction site wood” object, leather and special lacquer, 101cm x 53cm x 9cm, Dirk Marwig 2014)

New Balance – 4 angles- (Free-standing “restored construction site wood” object, leather and special lacquer, 101cm x 53cm x 9cm, Dirk Marwig 2014)

Mexican American Friendship Initiation Award -M.A.F.I.A.- (Plywood construction, high pigment lacquer, 75cm x 46cm x 14cm, Dirk Marwig 2014)

Mexican American Friendship Initiation Award -M.A.F.I.A.- (Plywood construction, high pigment lacquer, 75cm x 46cm x 14cm, Dirk Marwig 2014)

These photographs show the object from both sides, profile view. I had fun doing this one! Again, classic minimalism but with my twist.

Dyslexika-Separation-Rejection  -view no.3-(Plywood, Plexiglass + String construction, 80cm x 58cm x 29cm, Dirk Marwig 2014)

Dyslexika-Separation-Rejection -view no.3-(Plywood, Plexiglass + String construction, 80cm x 58cm x 29cm, Dirk Marwig 2014)

This object has so many different angles which are cool. I just opted for 3… -Any way you look at “Dyslexika”,it will always surprise you!

Dyslexika-Separation-Rejection -view No.2- (Plywood, Plexiglass + String construction, 80cm x 58cm x 29cm, Dirk Marwig 2014)

Dyslexika-Separation-Rejection -view No.2- (Plywood, Plexiglass + String construction, 80cm x 58cm x 29cm, Dirk Marwig 2014)

Dyslexika-Separation-Rejection -side view- (Plywood, Plexiglass + String construction, 80cm x 58cm x 29cm, Dirk Marwig 2014)

Dyslexika-Separation-Rejection -side view- (Plywood, Plexiglass + String construction, 80cm x 58cm x 29cm, Dirk Marwig 2014)

This is the full side view.

Sweet Delicate Thing  (Old Drum skin, Plex-glass, Orange string + Blood wood base, 97cm x 43.5cm x 8cm, Dirk Marwig 2014)

Sweet Delicate Thing (Old Drum skin, Plex-glass, Orange string + Blood wood base, 97cm x 43.5cm x 8cm, Dirk Marwig 2014)

-This object glows from the inside. It transmits a calm, warm glow; delicate,sweet and tranquil.
This object again is a metaphor: The drum skin has been beaten and banged up all of it’s life to the delight and enjoyment of others. Yet still it remains intact(more or less).Now it resonates beautifully but silently with dignity and honour emitting a kind of ‘love’, a kind of strength that we can only aspire to.

Hommage to Defiance-side view- (Lacquered plywood construction with plexi-glass base, 44cm x 47.3cm x 7.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2014)

Hommage to Defiance-side view- (Lacquered plywood construction with plexi-glass base, 44cm x 47.3cm x 7.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2014)

-This object is based entirely on the “Golden Rectangle”. The ‘Golden Section’ or the ‘Divine Section’ can be seen clearly if you look at where the red lines intersect. Also notice how the red lines run perfectly parallel and perpendicular to the surface it stands on.
This object could be made a lot larger. Actually, it could be a cool building! -I chose this size because I had the plywood for it available in my studio. The object balances perfectly on top of the the little plexi-glass cube, giving the illusion of defying gravity. But how does it balance in the first place with such unequal weight distribution? hmmm…
‘Hommage to Defiance” is an hommage to basically all kinds of ‘Defiance’. Don’t let “RULES” or “LAWS” get in your way or stop you from expressing what you have to say to the world(not harming others, of course)!

Hommage to Defiance -semi side view- (Lacquered plywood construction with plexi-glass base, 44cm x 47.3cm x 7.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2014)

Hommage to Defiance -semi side view- (Lacquered plywood construction with plexi-glass base, 44cm x 47.3cm x 7.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2014)

Using the “Golden Rectangle” and the the “Golden Section” I built this new object, giving ‘minimalism’ that extra little ‘twist’ of the defiance of gravity. Eat your heart out, Donald Judd!

Inspector  (3643 plastic straws, Ash and plywood, 56.8cm x 38.3cm x 7,4cm, Dirk Marwig 2014)

Inspector (3643 plastic straws, Ash and plywood, 56.8cm x 38.3cm x 7,4cm, Dirk Marwig 2014)

“I love the idea of encasing and compressing plastic into a wooden structure. This piece (Inspector) gives the illusion of an architectural floor-plan being magnified or closely inspected.”

Time = Energy Model (Falsecypress, plywood, plexi-glass and waxed string, 70.5cm x 45cm x 10.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2014)

Time = Energy Model (Falsecypress, plywood, plexi-glass and waxed string, 70.5cm x 45cm x 10.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2014)

Time = Energy Model (Falsecypress, plywood, plexiglass and waxed string, 70.5cm x 45cm x 10.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2014)

“I have always been obsessed with the concept of “Time”(‘Zeit’, in German)- Its behavior and inconsistencies. I believe that ‘Time’ is Energy and that like all other energies can somehow (in the future) be fully understood and positively applied. But seeing just how sluggish mankind is…. this will take a while.”

Time = Energy Model (Falsecypress, plywood, plexi-glass and waxed string, 70.5cm x 45cm x 10.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2014)

Time = Energy Model (Falsecypress, plywood, plexi-glass and waxed string, 70.5cm x 45cm x 10.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2014)

(Time = Energy Model seen from the front-slightly looking from above) This piece really relaxes me. I cannot put into words how it makes me feel. Mesmerizing. Timeless, possibly.

Wanna Dance?  Quieres Bailar?  (Foam Rubber, glue ,gesso, oil and plywood, 107cm x 45cm x 45cm, Dirk Marwig 2014)

Wanna Dance? Quieres Bailar? (Foam Rubber, glue ,gesso, oil and plywood, 107cm x 45cm x 45cm, Dirk Marwig 2014)

I’m sure this is a situation that many of us have encountered:…in a club, out of your mind and suddenly someone asks you to to dance…you look at them and they look like this! hahaha. You think: “I must switch drugs, this does not look good, …bad trip!”

Untitled. May 2014 -back view- (Old foam rubber mattress, glue, gesso,oil and plywood stand painted white, 170cm x 83cm x 43cm, Dirk Marwig 2014)

Untitled. May 2014 -back view- (Old foam rubber mattress, glue, gesso,oil and plywood stand painted white, 170cm x 83cm x 43cm, Dirk Marwig 2014)

Another Super-kitsch object.

Untitled. May 2014 -front view- (Old foam rubber mattress, glue, gesso,oil and plywood stand painted white, 170cm x 83cm x 43cm, Dirk Marwig 2014)

Untitled. May 2014 -front view- (Old foam rubber mattress, glue, gesso,oil and plywood stand painted white, 170cm x 83cm x 43cm, Dirk Marwig 2014)

The Super Donut. Super Kitsch!

The Dance of Captivity  ( 6 wooden coat hangers cut through the centre then reassembled, gold leaf and glue, 50cm x 94cm, Dirk Marwig 2014)

The Dance of Captivity ( 6 wooden coat hangers cut through the centre then reassembled, gold leaf and glue, 50cm x 94cm, Dirk Marwig 2014)

Three dancing girls or ballerinas that also look like a piece of barbed wire. This ‘Dance of Captivity’ can be used as a metaphor for many situations in life. It could also be a good logo for the North Korean Ballet Company! – Dedicated to Norma Duval. Legs Up and Over! Can Can. “Kitsch Tragique” !!

Function Unknown Front, looking from an elevated position (Plywood construction painted white with maple base, 79cm x 40cm x 30cm, Dirk Marwig 2014)

Function Unknown Front, looking from an elevated position (Plywood construction painted white with maple base, 79cm x 40cm x 30cm, Dirk Marwig 2014)

Function Unknown semi-side right (Plywood construction painted white with maple base, 79cm x 40cm x 30cm, Dirk Marwig 2014)

Function Unknown semi-side right (Plywood construction painted white with maple base, 79cm x 40cm x 30cm, Dirk Marwig 2014)

Try to copy this one, pseudo intellectual low-brow Riff Raff! (you know who YOU are!)… You can’t do this one! This message is for the person(s) copying a lot of my work.

Function Unknown (Plywood construction painted white with maple base, 79cm x 40cm x 30cm, Dirk Marwig 2014)

Function Unknown (Plywood construction painted white with maple base, 79cm x 40cm x 30cm, Dirk Marwig 2014)

This object is dedicated to all the artifacts produced by intelligent human-like lifeforms on this planet dating back for more than 2 Billion Years. Yes 2 Billion Years! Our evolutionary timeline is very “Filtered” and therefore a faulty one. Archeological findings providing hard evidence of “human activity”dating back 2 Billion years are simply ignored because they DO NOT SUPPORT the evolutionary theories ‘sold’ to us (the public). Check out “Forbidden Archeology”by Michael Cremo and you can decide!

Frau Institut Direktor with Hubby  aka  Schraege Figuren -full front view- (Cardboard construction with plywood backing and glue, 47.5cm x 50.5cm x 16cm, Dirk Marwig 2014)

Frau Institut Direktor with Hubby aka Schraege Figuren -full front view- (Cardboard construction with plywood backing and glue, 47.5cm x 50.5cm x 16cm, Dirk Marwig 2014)

The German title “Schraege Figuren” which in English translates to “Weird/Sketchy Figures” makes me smile… like lurking people in a dark ally, up to no good!

Frau Institut Direktor with Hubby  aka  Schraege Figuren -semi side view- (Cardboard construction with plywood backing and glue, 47.5cm x 50.5cm x 16cm, Dirk Marwig 2014)

Frau Institut Direktor with Hubby aka Schraege Figuren -semi side view- (Cardboard construction with plywood backing and glue, 47.5cm x 50.5cm x 16cm, Dirk Marwig 2014)

Rearview No.2  (Plexi-Glass and plywood mounted on maplewood, 45cm x 30.5cm x 4.2cm, Dirk Marwig 2014)

Rearview No.2 (Plexi-Glass and plywood mounted on maplewood, 45cm x 30.5cm x 4.2cm, Dirk Marwig 2014)

“This is the second “Rearview” object. I made the first one back in 1997 and it sold to a collector in the Frankfurt area. This object stayed in my mind and now 17 years later I decided to do a variation on it.”

FLOW LIGHT OBJECT with Stand (Plexi-Glass construction, Dirk Marwig 1997)

FLOW LIGHT OBJECT with Stand (Plexi-Glass construction, Dirk Marwig 1997)

“This is how the ‘Flow Light Object’ originally was presented in 1997. This pic was taken in my home(you can see the”Big Painting” and a few other furniture pieces as well).It was shown at an art expo in Valencia, Spain that same year. At a party in 1998 at my house someone accidentally SAT on the plexiglass construction(thinking it was a chair) and crushed the damned thing. The only thing that survived was the top part, which still works and is at my friend’s(Henar Diez Villar) house in Madrid.”

Klondike semi side view (Maplewood, 29.5cm x 55.5cm x 3.4cm, Dirk Marwig 2013)

Klondike semi side view (Maplewood, 29.5cm x 55.5cm x 3.4cm, Dirk Marwig 2013)

“This is the semi-side-top view of Klondike- here you can see very well the “positive-negative 3/4 flip” effect. I named it “Klondike” for that same reason: The positive to negative transition- most people went to the Klondike with high hopes(positive) but most of the prospectors left with less than they arrived with(negative)!”

Klondike (Maplewood, 29.5cm x 55.5cm x 3.4cm, Dirk Marwig 2013)

Klondike (Maplewood, 29.5cm x 55.5cm x 3.4cm, Dirk Marwig 2013)

“I cut 336 ‘golden ratio’ rhombi, laying them out in sets of 3, then distributing them into 16 columns and 7 rows (according to thickness), then reversed 1/3 of 4 rows(thin to thick) and when the 5th row came along i reversed the process column-wise to create this ‘positive to negative, midway ‘Flip’ + transition’ object.”

Synthetic Compound  (Bamboo and ‘Zap-Strap’ construction -Wall Object- , 98cm x 90cm x 9.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2013)

Synthetic Compound (Bamboo and ‘Zap-Strap’ construction -Wall Object- , 98cm x 90cm x 9.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2013)

“I composed “Synthetic Compound” using 60 ‘golden ratio’ rhombi and 4 hexagons holding them together with only the help of ‘Zap-Straps’ or cable ties(no glue or other bonding agents).”

Geometrix One (Bamboo and Zap-strap construction, 86.2cm x 52cm x 52cm,  Dirk Marwig 2013)

Geometrix One (Bamboo and Zap-strap construction, 86.2cm x 52cm x 52cm, Dirk Marwig 2013)

“I assembled mid-size pieces of bamboo, which i cut into pentagons, squares and triangles connecting them with ‘Zap straps’ or ‘cable ties’ to build this object.”
You can see more angles of ‘Geometrix One’ in my “Blog” section of this site.

Buckyball C-60 Molecule Regular (Bamboo and “Zap-Strap” construction, 43.5cm x 43.5cm x 43.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2013)

Buckyball C-60 Molecule Regular (Bamboo and “Zap-Strap” construction, 43.5cm x 43.5cm x 43.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2013)

Buckyball C-60 Molecule Regular -Various Angles- (Bamboo and “Zap-Strap” construction, 43.5cm x 43.5cm x 43.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2013)

Buckyball C-60 Molecule Regular -Various Angles- (Bamboo and “Zap-Strap” construction, 43.5cm x 43.5cm x 43.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2013)

*A Buckyball is a form of carbon that is made up of 60 atoms and shaped like a hollow soccer ball.
I started this project just to see if it was possible to construct a “Buckyball” just with bamboo and cable ties. “Stupid idea”, I thought, “but what the hell.”
The bamboo I had collected was irregular, some of it thin, some thick and others were slightly bent… So I first had to arrange all the pieces according to ‘length’, ‘thickness’, ‘curvature’ and ‘stability’, cut perfect angles to form the perfect little, individual pentagons and hexagons and then had to put these newly constructed shapes together in a way that an “all around equilibrium” was achieved. To my surprise, it worked! On to the the next project.

All = 1 -top view- (3 old branches ‘wood’ cut up, oil + glue, 40.5cm x 60cm x 60cm, Dirk Marwig 2013)

All = 1 -top view- (3 old branches ‘wood’ cut up, oil + glue, 40.5cm x 60cm x 60cm, Dirk Marwig 2013)

“This is what it looks like from the top!”

All = 1 (3 old branches ‘wood’ cut up, oil + glue, 40.5cm x 60cm x 60cm, Dirk Marwig 2013)

All = 1 (3 old branches ‘wood’ cut up, oil + glue, 40.5cm x 60cm x 60cm, Dirk Marwig 2013)

“I cut up 3 old branches that I always wanted to use – this was the result – i almost went crazy.”

Flying RAH RAH Rack   (Plywood construction, cotton cloth, oil, pencil and sewing thread, 19cm  x 42.5cm x 8.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2013)

Flying RAH RAH Rack (Plywood construction, cotton cloth, oil, pencil and sewing thread, 19cm x 42.5cm x 8.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2013)

More Fun Upstairs!   (Cut-up,oil paint drenched micro fibe-cloth glued onto plywood board, 100.3cm x 58cm, Dirk Marwig 2013)

More Fun Upstairs! (Cut-up,oil paint drenched micro fibe-cloth glued onto plywood board, 100.3cm x 58cm, Dirk Marwig 2013)

This piece is not something that happened at random. “More Fun Upstairs” has the ‘Golden Dimensions’ of the “Golden Rectangle” completely embedded in in every space and distance (positive/negative). It’s also “More Fun Upstairs” in real life. I speak from experience. I lived upstairs and definitely had more fun than the people below me!

PLONX  (Primed linen on primed canvas on plywood, 37.8cm x 94.7cm, Dirk Marwig 2013)

PLONX (Primed linen on primed canvas on plywood, 37.8cm x 94.7cm, Dirk Marwig 2013)

The coordinates of 3 “golden rectangles” superimposed and shifted.

Kinetic   (Wearable object; plywood, rosewood, plexiglass + leather string, 35.5cm x 21.8cm, Dirk Marwig 2013)

Kinetic (Wearable object; plywood, rosewood, plexiglass + leather string, 35.5cm x 21.8cm, Dirk Marwig 2013)

Just slip it over the nape of your neck-it fits perfectly and does not come off unless you take it off!

Swap 2   (Plywood and Plexiglass construction, 88cm x 55cm x 1.3cm, Dirk Marwig 2013)

Swap 2 (Plywood and Plexiglass construction, 88cm x 55cm x 1.3cm, Dirk Marwig 2013)

The DNA of this construction/object consists of 4 ‘Golden Rectangles’, the ‘red’ one is cut in half diagonally then put back together the opposite way.

‘Above the Mundane’-‘Something for the Soul’  (View from the top)

‘Above the Mundane’-‘Something for the Soul’ (View from the top)

(Hemlock wood, Oil + Plexi-Glass, 79cm x 30.5cm x 30cm, Dirk Marwig 2013)
Top View-you can also see the Plexi-Glass base and the reflection it gives.

Above the Mundane   (Hemlock wood, Oil + Plexi-Glass, 79cm x 30.5cm x 30cm, Dirk Marwig 2013)

Above the Mundane (Hemlock wood, Oil + Plexi-Glass, 79cm x 30.5cm x 30cm, Dirk Marwig 2013)

This object is made from an old weathered hemlock log, the end of which I painted red. After a few years I cut 3 inches off the end of this very old log and then cut out 13 ‘year rings’ then reassembled it, pushing each ring out a little more than the last. Then I made the ‘Plexi-Glass’ base so the object receives it’s deserved ‘elevated’ status.
-How I made this object might be interesting but what I think is important is the reasoning behind it, the idea, the concept and what it projects(this applies to all of my work, needless to say).

La Gloriosa or “Glorious,Decaying Empire”    (Douglas Fir, wood glue, wood oil,  227.5cm x 28cm x 18cm, Dirk Marwig 2013)

La Gloriosa or “Glorious,Decaying Empire” (Douglas Fir, wood glue, wood oil, 227.5cm x 28cm x 18cm, Dirk Marwig 2013)

(full frontal view)
*This was a big slice of Douglas Fir which first I turned into a perfect rectangular “block”. The newly created “block” had the “Golden Rectangle” shape or the ‘divine proportions/dimensions’. Then I wildly started to cut the block apart , saving all the pieces and splinters and then began to glue them back together again keeping the “golden section” in mind.
It began to look like the “Empire State Building”, The “Statue of Liberty” and “Decaying Detroit” all in one and that’s how I kept it.
In a way it was an experiment to see: “if I cut up “perfection” and then reassemble it(in this case stacking it), will the result still be perfect, i.e.: interesting and “pleasing”?

La Gloriosa    (Douglas Fir,wood glue, 227.5cm x 28cm x 18cm, Dirk Marwig 2013)

La Gloriosa (Douglas Fir,wood glue, 227.5cm x 28cm x 18cm, Dirk Marwig 2013)

This was a block of Douglas fir that i cut up. The block had the “Golden Rectangle” dimension.
This pic shows the semi-side view and was photographed on my work patio.

Very Deep (–photographed on patio with sunlight–Oak,plywood,enamel+resin,42.7cm x 68.7cm x 19.7cm,Dirk Marwig 2013)

Very Deep (–photographed on patio with sunlight–Oak,plywood,enamel+resin,42.7cm x 68.7cm x 19.7cm,Dirk Marwig 2013)

The rectangle is a “Golden Rectangle”,i.e.:it has ‘perfect dimensions’

Very Deep Wall Object     (Oak,plywood,enamel+resin,42.7cm x 68.7cm x 19.7cm,Dirk Marwig 2013)

Very Deep Wall Object (Oak,plywood,enamel+resin,42.7cm x 68.7cm x 19.7cm,Dirk Marwig 2013)

WAR HORSE-PEACE DOVE   (Walnut- and Cherrywood,49.5cm x 72.5cm x 8cm,Dirk Marwig 2013)

WAR HORSE-PEACE DOVE (Walnut- and Cherrywood,49.5cm x 72.5cm x 8cm,Dirk Marwig 2013)

…made exclusively from some of my walnut and cherry wood rests that i used to build my chairs-(i hate waste and to throw things away)

Topographical Model of a Volcanic Landscape covered with Ice (Dirk Marwig 2013)

Topographical Model of a Volcanic Landscape covered with Ice (Dirk Marwig 2013)

(Resin and enamel on plywood,49cm x 39cm x 9.5cm,Dirk Marwig 2013)

Fragile,Faulty,Failing,Falling SYSTEM-detail Photo (Zebrawood,Plywood and 460 Wood Dowels,83cm x 58cm x 35cm,Dirk Marwig 2013)

Fragile,Faulty,Failing,Falling SYSTEM-detail Photo (Zebrawood,Plywood and 460 Wood Dowels,83cm x 58cm x 35cm,Dirk Marwig 2013)

Fragile,Faulty,Failing,Falling SYSTEM (Zebrawood,Plywood and 460 wood dowels,83cm x 58cm x 35cm,Dirk Marwig 2013)

Fragile,Faulty,Failing,Falling SYSTEM (Zebrawood,Plywood and 460 wood dowels,83cm x 58cm x 35cm,Dirk Marwig 2013)

Studio One  (Folded and stiffened cotton cloth+oil,93.5cm x 92cm,Dirk Marwig 2013-Wall Object)

Studio One (Folded and stiffened cotton cloth+oil,93.5cm x 92cm,Dirk Marwig 2013-Wall Object)

“El Cheapo’s” Fuck’em Construction (Ceder wood scraps,75cm x 31cm x 4.5cm,Dirk Marwig 2013)

“El Cheapo’s” Fuck’em Construction (Ceder wood scraps,75cm x 31cm x 4.5cm,Dirk Marwig 2013)

Construction companies build these shitty apartments and expect that YOU spend your life-savings to buy and to live in one of these ” shabby wood-constructions”!

Open Dryzdale 1999  (Plexiglass standing object,-dimensions lost-, Dirk Marwig 1999)

Open Dryzdale 1999 (Plexiglass standing object,-dimensions lost-, Dirk Marwig 1999)

I love this one! Unfortunately the dimension were lost.

Golden Section Construction (36 recycled packaging plywood golden section rectangles,wood glue,staples,77cm x 59cm x 50cm,Dirk Marwig 2013)

Golden Section Construction (36 recycled packaging plywood golden section rectangles,wood glue,staples,77cm x 59cm x 50cm,Dirk Marwig 2013)

This post shows how I created the “divine Angle” of 137.5º going about it in my dyslexic way:
-This is just a model using 36 recycled (packaging plywood) golden section rectangles.(6 rectangles per ‘story'(6 ‘stories’) all connected at the “Golden Mean”, then stacked.
I hate to throw materials away without playing with them first. This construction can be made out of other materials, of course, and stacked infinitely if you cut the rectangles slightly smaller and smaller as it grows in hight. It would spiral upward perfectly close to the divine angle of 137.5 degrees! Maybe one day I’ll build the real thing. This could be a cool building!
In the background you can see part of the painting ‘TV’ (Oil on canvas,140cm x 208.7cm,Dirk Marwig 2013)

Crazy Horse  (Plywood construction, 55cm x 66.5cm x 22cm, Dirk Marwig 12.12.2012 !!)

Crazy Horse (Plywood construction, 55cm x 66.5cm x 22cm, Dirk Marwig 12.12.2012 !!)

Art and the Political Statement: Crazy Horse
*In my childhood my family lived close to the Crazy Horse Memorial near Rapid City,  South Dakota, U.S.A. This monument dedicated to Crazy Horse, the great Sioux Warrior impressed me as a boy, not only because of its size but because the “Black Hills” were considered the sacred mountains of the Sioux. A few miles down the road from Crazy Horse Memorial was the “Mount Rushmore” monument (the one with the 4 white American Presidents) right smack in the middle in of holy Sioux territory! -Even as a boy I always thought that this was Strange and Wrong. History is always written by the victors and Mount Rushmore was (and remains) a Statement of Power and Control, two terms I loathe. Gutzon Borglum, the “Artist/Artisan” who was ‘responsible’ for “Mount Rushmore” was also deeply involved in Ku Klux Klan politics. Looks like there was no Racism involved here!(sarcasm) -Like all my work “Crazy Horse” just “happened” and (as always) has more than one association: 1) The Motion and the “Construction Site feel” looks like the Crazy Horse Monument. 2) It also reminds me of the “Crazy Horse” burlesque theatre in Paris! “Legs up and over…”
*In my childhood my family lived close to the Crazy Horse Memorial near Rapid City,  South Dakota, U.S.A. This monument dedicated to Crazy Horse, the great Sioux Warrior impressed me as a boy, not only because of its size but because the “Black Hills” were considered the sacred mountains of the Sioux. A few miles down the road from Crazy Horse Memorial was the “Mount Rushmore” monument (the one with the 4 white American Presidents) right smack in the middle in of holy Sioux territory! -Even as a boy I always thought that this was Strange and Wrong. History is always written by the victors and Mount Rushmore was (and remains) a Statement of Power and Control, two terms I loathe. Gutzon Borglum, the "Artist/Artisan" who was 'responsible' for "Mount Rushmore" was also deeply involved in Ku Klux Klan politics. Looks like there was no Racism involved here!(sarcasm) -Like all my work “Crazy Horse" just "happened" and (as always) has more than one association: 1) The Motion and the "Construction Site feel" looks like the Crazy Horse Monument. 2) It also reminds me of the “Crazy Horse” burlesque theatre in Paris! "Legs up and over..."
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Vector-ian Beauty(Plywood, Rosewood and Zebrawood construction 47cm x 37.8cm x 20.2cm, Dirk Marwig 2012)

Vector-ian Beauty(Plywood, Rosewood and Zebrawood construction 47cm x 37.8cm x 20.2cm, Dirk Marwig 2012)

Art, Architecture and Authenticity. The Result of Experimentation: All 4 plywood pieces have exactly the same length.They are just bent in 4 different ways. Vector-ian Beauty is what happend. Simplicity. Playing around has its reward. Curiosity and Intuition mixed with Math. *You just have to be the First(1st) Person/Artist to do it! That’s the Factor that is often forgotten. Credit has to be given where Credit is Due. Simply to “Copy” doesn’t count and has No merit, whatsoever. (I say this because my work has been copied numerous times without giving me a ‘name credit’ and it is frustrating, I can tell you…)

Black High Heel Fetish(Model)

Black High Heel Fetish(Model)

(Nylon “Zap-Straps”,24cm x 24cm x 22cm,Dirk Marwig 2012)

Primal Code Construction (Cedar wood ,29.5cm x 29.5cm x 6.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2012)

Primal Code Construction (Cedar wood ,29.5cm x 29.5cm x 6.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2012)

U-CREATE™ 2 PROTOTYPE  (3720 plastic Straws,Plexi-Glass,Rosewood,45cm x 39cm x 20cm,Dirk Marwig 2012)

U-CREATE™ 2 PROTOTYPE (3720 plastic Straws,Plexi-Glass,Rosewood,45cm x 39cm x 20cm,Dirk Marwig 2012)

3 different angles of the object. You can change the “imprint” on the face of the object just by pushing or pulling the straws, hence: U-CREATE !

Not That One! (Shaped/deformed 12 inch Record -object- , Dirk Marwig 2012)

Not That One! (Shaped/deformed 12 inch Record -object- , Dirk Marwig 2012)

Sometimes, when I used to DJ my ex-wife used to be in the booth with me and she would shout: “Not That One!”-in reference to a record I was about to put on. Hence the object and the title. Memory. The photo of my hand was a hand-selfie to demonstrate the procedure!

METAPHOR (Cedar,Plywood,Nylon”Zap-straps”+Oil, 53cm x 55cm x 16.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2012)

METAPHOR (Cedar,Plywood,Nylon”Zap-straps”+Oil, 53cm x 55cm x 16.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2012)

For this object I chose the “Hermés” logo because I like the letter “H”. Hermés in greek mythology, is the messenger of the ‘Gods’. If you examine my work closer, you will come across the “H”(letter or symbol) frequently. The “H” for me represents the symbol for the eternal ‘Link’ or ‘Bridge’(like Hermés) to something we are always looking for (just like rummaging around for that ‘something’ we think we need in that handbag!) This thought process is like ‘lugging around’ useless weight because we already ‘know’ -we just have to trust our natural instinct and go with it.



(My old basketball,plywood and oil,65cm x 62cm x 6cm,Dirk Marwig 2012)

RANDOM EROSION Winter (Plywood, resin and oil, 29cm x 36.3cm x 14cm, Dirk Marwig 2012)

RANDOM EROSION Winter (Plywood, resin and oil, 29cm x 36.3cm x 14cm, Dirk Marwig 2012)



(Nylon-“Zap-Strips” and plywood,34cm x 34.5cm x 45cm,Dirk Marwig 2012)

FLOW LIGHT OBJECT (Plexi-Glass, fluorescent light, 34cm x 75cm x 13cm, Dirk Marwig 1997)

FLOW LIGHT OBJECT (Plexi-Glass, fluorescent light, 34cm x 75cm x 13cm, Dirk Marwig 1997)

*The only tools I used to make this object were: a pencil, a screw driver, a ruler, a few clamps, a heat gun(to bend the shape), a drill, a multiple speed jig saw and fine sand-paper. The plexi-glass was found in the ‘rest-cut trash bin’ at the ‘Resopal’ plastics store in Madrid.

ARCHAEOLOGICAL NW (Plywood construction, enamel and oil, 69.5cm x 36.5cm x 27cm, Dirk Marwig 2012)

ARCHAEOLOGICAL NW (Plywood construction, enamel and oil, 69.5cm x 36.5cm x 27cm, Dirk Marwig 2012)

Archaeological North West. Future-Past. Timeless.



(Plywood+oil,30cm x 48.7cm x 2.5cm,Object,Dirk Marwig 2012

BRUCE ALWAYS POPS UP AGAIN! (Plywood construction with cotton cloth and oil, 42cm x 49.5cm x 1.7cm, Dirk Marwig 2012)

BRUCE ALWAYS POPS UP AGAIN! (Plywood construction with cotton cloth and oil, 42cm x 49.5cm x 1.7cm, Dirk Marwig 2012)

Bruce Lee always formed a big part of my life: the martial artist but much more the philosopher. I dedicated this object to him. Kitsch transformed. “Be like water” is one of Bruce Lee’s most famous quotes- I always try!



(Oil+ink on plywood,58cm x 37cm x 2cm,Dirk Marwig 2012)

DYSFUNCTIONAL  (Plywood object, 35.5cm x 59.5cm x 15.3cm, Dirk Marwig 2008)

DYSFUNCTIONAL (Plywood object, 35.5cm x 59.5cm x 15.3cm, Dirk Marwig 2008)

-I’m pretty practical and to my mind everything can have a purpose and could be put to “use”. With this object I simply made the choice to ‘keep it dysfunctional’! ‘To keep it open’, as they say. Simple as that. Of course, I could put a slab of glass on it or use it to put umbrellas in or put my TV “cable box”(which in reality is the case!) or magazines into it… the possibilities for practical “use” and application are almost endless if you put your mind to it. That’s why I kept it “Dysfunctional” in order to ‘open up that door’ of possibilities in the mind of the spectator.



(5000 plywood discs+aluminum,500cm x 100cm x 105cm,1997)



(Carved wood block,tennis string+oil,18cm x 80cm x 17cm,2008)

NONRONG™ Diplomat (Plywood, oil, 70cm x 16cm x 1.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2007)

NONRONG™ Diplomat (Plywood, oil, 70cm x 16cm x 1.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2007)

-Another totally useless object. It has no function, no purpose… it simply ‘IS’ and therefore ‘it’ is a ‘NONRONG’. Like the Diplomat: Always right!

KOMPUTER  (Plywood construction with Japan-paper and oil, 31cm x 40cm x 31cm, Dirk Marwig 2011)

KOMPUTER (Plywood construction with Japan-paper and oil, 31cm x 40cm x 31cm, Dirk Marwig 2011)



(Dirk Marwig @ Art Frankfurt,March 1996)

Wooden object”Untitled” 1996  (298cm x 140cm x 140cm,Shown at Art Frankfurt 1996)

Wooden object”Untitled” 1996 (298cm x 140cm x 140cm,Shown at Art Frankfurt 1996)

This object can be dissembled easily.The geometric structure is that of a “Pentagon”. It’s “whereabouts” are unknown.Whoever has it is a lucky person!

DIRK MARWIG “ALL IN THE MIND” @ Nikolaus Fischer Gallery,Frankfurt 1996)

DIRK MARWIG “ALL IN THE MIND” @ Nikolaus Fischer Gallery,Frankfurt 1996)

The object “All in the Mind”(in the front) shows what our existence is all about: we only THINK that we THINK(we are owned and controlled) and we can only do what we Think! It’s all a big hoax and we are not laughing and if we are laughing, we are either unaware of this fact(in which case it would be good to get some information), dumb or on drugs.



(Fir wood+basketball+oil,-detail-)

DIRK MARWIG 1996 (Hardwood+wooden pole construction(300cm x 75cm x 60cm), and 2 plywood constructions,Dirk Marwig, Nikolaus Fischer Gallery,Franfkfurt, Germany 1996)

DIRK MARWIG 1996 (Hardwood+wooden pole construction(300cm x 75cm x 60cm), and 2 plywood constructions,Dirk Marwig, Nikolaus Fischer Gallery,Franfkfurt, Germany 1996)

The object “All in the Mind” shows what our existence is all about: we only THINK that we THINK(we are controlled!) and we can only do what we think! It’s all a big hoax and we are not laughing and if we are laughing, we are on drugs.(This is a different view)



(Plywood construction,180cm x 100cm x 85cm,1996)



(Lines painting02+Fighting with Instrument)



(Fighting w/Instrument,All in the Mind+Lines painting02)



(Twisted city object seen from various angles,photo collage,2011)

Untitled Object at Frankfurt Opera  (5000 Plywood discs, aluminum poles, 500cm x 100cm x 105cm, Dirk Marwig 1997)

Untitled Object at Frankfurt Opera (5000 Plywood discs, aluminum poles, 500cm x 100cm x 105cm, Dirk Marwig 1997)

This took me 1 1/2 years to make: I would cut a few discs whenever I felt like it… never more than 20cm in a ‘go’. Each disc is signed, dated and has “DM + PS = :heart:″ written on it. 5000 times! The ceiling in the Chagall Room(It’s called that because right next to my object are like 10 Marc Chagall paintings) is 13m high, the object is 5m high, so a normal sized person would reach a little above the ‘name tag’ which is on the wall -(lower left).



(Laquered paper,plywood+wooden pegs,50cm x 19.5cm x 4.5cm,Madrid 1997)



(Plexi-glass object,Goethe Institute Invitation,Madrid 1999)



(Seymouring Pro™+SRS+Welcome Infiltrator,Madrid 1999)



(Fir,basketball+oil,276cm x 5cm x 6.5cm,Madrid 1998)

Twirly (Plywood construction with oil and tennis string, 57cm x 57cm, Dirk Marwig 2008)

Twirly (Plywood construction with oil and tennis string, 57cm x 57cm, Dirk Marwig 2008)

Originally called “Double Spatial Twist” I changed the name of this object in 2016 (8 years later) to “Twirly”. Easier.



(Plywood object,dimensions lost-pretty big!,Nikolaus Fischer Gallery 1996)

PLASTIC FLORIDA  (-wall object-Lacquered and coloured ‘Japan-paper’ on plexi-glass, 90cm x 65cm x 6cm, Dirk Marwig, Madrid 1998)

PLASTIC FLORIDA (-wall object-Lacquered and coloured ‘Japan-paper’ on plexi-glass, 90cm x 65cm x 6cm, Dirk Marwig, Madrid 1998)

Everything about Florida, Miami, for example(if you have ever been there)-for me anyway- is the height of ‘plastic’ culture.

TWISTER, ALL IN THE MIND, SENSO GRAMM  (Dirk Marwig at Nikolaus Fischer Gallery,Frankfurt, Germany 1996)

TWISTER, ALL IN THE MIND, SENSO GRAMM (Dirk Marwig at Nikolaus Fischer Gallery,Frankfurt, Germany 1996)

The object “All in the Mind” shows what our existence is all about: we only THINK that we THINK(we are controlled!) and we can only do what we think! It’s all a big hoax and we are not laughing and if we are we are on drugs.

SEYMOUR GLASSES (Plywood,glass lenses+stainless steel,21cm x 19cm x 14.5cm, Dirk Marwig, Madrid 1998)

SEYMOUR GLASSES (Plywood,glass lenses+stainless steel,21cm x 19cm x 14.5cm, Dirk Marwig, Madrid 1998)

To “See More” everyday: Seymour Glasses!

ARQUITECTURA PRIMITIVA Object  (Plywood Construction and oil, 37.3cm x 38.7cm x 3.7cm, Dirk Marwig 2011)

ARQUITECTURA PRIMITIVA Object (Plywood Construction and oil, 37.3cm x 38.7cm x 3.7cm, Dirk Marwig 2011)

My love/hate relationship with architecture is shown here once again. My kind of constructivism!



(Carved and “worked” block of hardwood+oil,14.5cm x 68cm x 9cm,Madrid 1998)

LIQUID DRYZDALE 2000 (Plexi-glass wall object, 38cm x 54.8cm x 5.5cm, Dirk Marwig, Madrid 2000)

LIQUID DRYZDALE 2000 (Plexi-glass wall object, 38cm x 54.8cm x 5.5cm, Dirk Marwig, Madrid 2000)



(Twisted City,’Mouse’wood cut+Wild son™ on wall,Vancouver 2011)



NETWORK (light object) close-up view

BEACH SOCCER BALL (Soccer ball-found on the beach-, silicone tubing with coloured and sharpened wooden pegs, 25cm x 25cm x 25cm, Dirk Marwig, Madrid 1997)

BEACH SOCCER BALL (Soccer ball-found on the beach-, silicone tubing with coloured and sharpened wooden pegs, 25cm x 25cm x 25cm, Dirk Marwig, Madrid 1997)

MURRAY’S(GELL-MANN) WORLD – “Quark Model”  (Wooden dowels,glue,rubber bands,oil stick,47cm x 56cmx x26cm, Dirk Marwig 1998, Madrid)

MURRAY’S(GELL-MANN) WORLD – “Quark Model” (Wooden dowels,glue,rubber bands,oil stick,47cm x 56cmx x26cm, Dirk Marwig 1998, Madrid)

“This object is a variation on the by Murray Gell-Mann devised Quark model. A Quark is an elementary particle and a fundamental constituent of matter. I made this object without any prior knowledge of this model or Murray Gell-Mann – I just let pure intuition guide me, i did not think and this is what happened. Later i discovered the Quark model in a physics book!”

WELCOME INFILTRATOR (16x the McDonald’s Logo)  Dirk Marwig 1998

WELCOME INFILTRATOR (16x the McDonald’s Logo) Dirk Marwig 1998

(Stainless Steel+red leather straps,71cm x 135cm x 31.5cm, Dirk Marwig 1998, Madrid)
The McDonald’s logo 16 times. That stupid logo! McDonald’s did not want to buy it. They said that the”Golden Arches” of their Logo were misrepresented in my “Welcome Infiltrator” object. Repetition makes the McDonald’s logo disappear. What remains is a mix of something evil from the Vatican and sharp cutting butcher blades. Welcome!

FLORIDA 135 SPECIAL GUN (Plexi-glass object with 2 bullets, 20cm x 29.5cm x 4.3cm, Dirk Marwig, Madrid 1998)

FLORIDA 135 SPECIAL GUN (Plexi-glass object with 2 bullets, 20cm x 29.5cm x 4.3cm, Dirk Marwig, Madrid 1998)

Any dumb, violent homophobic idiot can reproduce this gun and use it on another like-minded idiot! A “2-4-1” deal! (2 idiots dead with 1 shot) -I wrote this comment on June 14th in reference to the “2016 Orlando nightclub shooting”. This is only one “use” for my “gun”. I can think of numerous other uses!



(Plywood+oil,37.5cm x 38.5cm x 3.7cm,November 2011)
Jan 2011

Wildson  ( Driftwood block turned into a “racket”, tennis string and oil with plywood wall mount, 18cm x 80cm x 17cm, Dirk Marwig 2008)

Wildson ( Driftwood block turned into a “racket”, tennis string and oil with plywood wall mount, 18cm x 80cm x 17cm, Dirk Marwig 2008)

STILL LOADING…  (Super ‘Kitsch’ object:  3000pcs -puzzle-+ gilded plywood, 185cm x 103.5cm x 4.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2009)

STILL LOADING… (Super ‘Kitsch’ object: 3000pcs -puzzle-+ gilded plywood, 185cm x 103.5cm x 4.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2009)

The finished puzzle(for me) is very kitschy and not worth talking about. I do though, like the ‘idea’/’concept’ of the puzzle itself. It’s funny that I never get tired of this “Super Kitsch” wall object- something about it that makes me love it.



(Light object: wood, plastic string, LED’s, 26cm x 70cm x 13cm, Dirk Marwig 2008)



(Plywood wall object,67.5cm x 34.5cm x 20cm,Vancouver 2011)

NON RONG (Plywood, hollowed out hardwood, plastic string, oil, leather + mirrors, 63cm x 56cm x 23cm, Dirk Marwig 2008)

NON RONG (Plywood, hollowed out hardwood, plastic string, oil, leather + mirrors, 63cm x 56cm x 23cm, Dirk Marwig 2008)

The ‘NON RONG’ is always right. There ARE no mistakes! Inspired by the art of the mentally insane.



(Super ‘Kitsch’ object:3000pcs puzzle+goldleafed plywood,100cm x 183cm x 3.5cm,Vancouver 2009)



(Plywood+oil+goldleaf wall panel,72.5cm x 93.7cm x 0.5cm,Vancouver 2010)



(Plywood+oil+goldleaf wall panel,46cm x 63cm,Vancouver 2010)



(Plywood+oil wall construction,29.8cm x 32.5cm x 1.2cm,Vancouver 2010)

DOUBLE CROSS  TANGO (Fir and walnut construction, 92cm x 38cm x 14.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2010)

DOUBLE CROSS TANGO (Fir and walnut construction, 92cm x 38cm x 14.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2010)

The Catholic Church at it’s best. The largest crime syndicate on this planet still gets away with everything. WANNA TANGO? nope.