Wicked Ambitions Realized-WAR- (Colored pencil on oil treated Japan paper, 2x 24.2cm x 27.2cm, Dirk Marwig 2025)

Wicked Ambitions Realized-WAR- (Colored pencil on oil treated Japan paper, 2x 24.2cm x 27.2cm, Dirk Marwig 2025)

Infantile demented degenerates Musk and Trump are doing their best to start World War 3 with China and the whole planet is merely watching.

Shield (Colored pencil on plywood, 42cm x 39cm, Dirk Marwig 2024)

Shield (Colored pencil on plywood, 42cm x 39cm, Dirk Marwig 2024)

Happy Happy (Colored pencil on canvas mounted on plywood, 46cm x 25.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2025)

Happy Happy (Colored pencil on canvas mounted on plywood, 46cm x 25.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2025)

Faulty Wiring (Colored pencil on Japan-paper, 27.3cm x 24cm, Dirk Marwig 2025)

Faulty Wiring (Colored pencil on Japan-paper, 27.3cm x 24cm, Dirk Marwig 2025)

“Cutting Corners” never ends in Gain.

Back This Way (Bic-pen on heavy paper, 76cm x 57cm, Dirk Marwig 2025)

Back This Way (Bic-pen on heavy paper, 76cm x 57cm, Dirk Marwig 2025)

Sphinx (Oil and colored pencil on plywood, 52.8cm x 38cm, Dirk Marwig 2025)

Sphinx (Oil and colored pencil on plywood, 52.8cm x 38cm, Dirk Marwig 2025)

Eigentor/own goal (Pencil on canvas mounted on plywood, 33.8cm x 31.2cm, Dirk Marwig, 2024)

Eigentor/own goal (Pencil on canvas mounted on plywood, 33.8cm x 31.2cm, Dirk Marwig, 2024)


Reality Check (Pencil on paper, 22.4cm x 26.4cm, Dirk Marwig 2024)

Reality Check (Pencil on paper, 22.4cm x 26.4cm, Dirk Marwig 2024)

De-Evolution (Pencil on paper, 27cm x 36.7cm, Dirk Marwig 2024)

De-Evolution (Pencil on paper, 27cm x 36.7cm, Dirk Marwig 2024)

De-Evolution by Feudal Creeps

MONKEY REIGN (Colored pencil and archival ink on Japan paper, 24.2cm x 27.3cm, Dirk Marwig 2024)

MONKEY REIGN (Colored pencil and archival ink on Japan paper, 24.2cm x 27.3cm, Dirk Marwig 2024)

History repeats itself.  Again, we have to deal with the control obsession of criminal, power-hungry infantile idiots.  We are back to the reign of evil monkeys. My art has always been centered on voicing my perceptions in a given period with an entertaining visual twist and a critical flavor that respects the higher positive intentions of mankind’s plight. Therefore I will never give up hope for a future where all can thrive and enjoy life during their limited stay on this plane.

&url=https://dirkmarwig.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/MONKEY-REIGN-AA.jpeg" target="_blank"> 
TheSexExitPhiloso(p)hy (Ink and pencil on canvas, 37.3cm x 30.3cm, Dirk Marwig 2024)

TheSexExitPhiloso(p)hy (Ink and pencil on canvas, 37.3cm x 30.3cm, Dirk Marwig 2024)

There are so many possibilities and ideas. Drift off and immerse yourself. You will mostly see yourself. It’s up to you if you want.
*I finished this when the ill-informed people of the U.S.(again) awarded another round of “presidency” to a greedy, selfish, ignorant, needy, and bitter schmuck of a human being who exploits the “innocence” of an ill-informed, desperate public. You might see a few valid ideas below (depicted with a “squint-level” and distance that you determine).
Again, this planet regresses two or more (modern) eras to a time of primitive, Darwinian-coined “idol-worshipping” was all the rage. It’s frustrating to see this. Insanity.


*I finished this when the ill-informed people of the U.S.(again) awarded another round of "presidency" to a greedy, selfish, ignorant, needy, and bitter schmuck of a human being who exploits the "innocence" of an ill-informed, desperate public. You might see a few valid ideas below (depicted with a "squint-level" and distance that you determine).
Again, this planet regresses two or more (modern) eras to a time of primitive, Darwinian-coined "idol-worshipping" was all the rage. It's frustrating to see this. Insanity.
 &url=https://dirkmarwig.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/TheSexExitPhilosohy-A.jpg" target="_blank"> 
De Verdad? (Black lead pencil on Japan paper, 27.3cm x 24.2cm, Dirk Marwig 2024)

De Verdad? (Black lead pencil on Japan paper, 27.3cm x 24.2cm, Dirk Marwig 2024)

De verdad? = Really?

VOX photo of Dirk Marwig May 2024 in the kitchen with “VOX”

VOX photo of Dirk Marwig May 2024 in the kitchen with “VOX”

In my kitchen with “VOX”, May, 11th, 2024

Hey You, Sucker! (Pencil and ink on Japan paper, 31.5cm x 23.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2024)

Hey You, Sucker! (Pencil and ink on Japan paper, 31.5cm x 23.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2024)

FUBO (Colored pencil on thick drawing paper, 76. 3cm x 56.7cm, Dirk Marwig 2024)

FUBO (Colored pencil on thick drawing paper, 76. 3cm x 56.7cm, Dirk Marwig 2024)

The mush brain of the gladiator: I play FUBO!

Photo of Dirk Marwig with “The Idea that evaded me” (Oct. 2023)

Photo of Dirk Marwig with “The Idea that evaded me” (Oct. 2023)

Back from holiday: Turbo Vision(Coloured pencil on plywood, 46.5cm x 33.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2023)

Back from holiday: Turbo Vision(Coloured pencil on plywood, 46.5cm x 33.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2023)

Emblematic of what I stand for: Turbo Vision. “Turbo Vision” is what I do, all the time. Eo.ff-uff.-

QUATSCHER (Pencil and ink on Japan paper mounted on plywood, 47.3cm x 23.8cm, Dirk Marwig 2023)

QUATSCHER (Pencil and ink on Japan paper mounted on plywood, 47.3cm x 23.8cm, Dirk Marwig 2023)

Your everyday “Quatscher”. Or in English: Your everyday Bullshitter. So much crap that it makes you dizzy. Do they ever stop blabbering? …only if you walk away!
&url=https://dirkmarwig.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/QUATSCHER.jpg" target="_blank">   
Me (Pencil and ink on Japan paper mounted on plywood, 44cm x 32cm, Dirk Marwig 2023)

Me (Pencil and ink on Japan paper mounted on plywood, 44cm x 32cm, Dirk Marwig 2023)

Me. Me? Probably…, what do I know? And You, maybe You as well. Perhaps not now, but eventually. ” You can’t hide from yourself because everywhere you go, there you are”! vøila

The Assault (Archival ink on drawing paper, 22cm x 32cm, Dirk Marwig 2023)

The Assault (Archival ink on drawing paper, 22cm x 32cm, Dirk Marwig 2023)

Squint and you’ll see it.

The Void (Archival ink on Japan paper, 32cm x 22cm, Dirk Marwig 2022)

The Void (Archival ink on Japan paper, 32cm x 22cm, Dirk Marwig 2022)

We are afraid to stare into the inescapable void right before us. We try to fill it with what is around us. It’s that complicated mess of options available that we try to make sense of so we don’t have to suffer.

EmWen 9 (Archival ink on paper, 36cm x 30cm, Dirk Marwig 2022)

EmWen 9 (Archival ink on paper, 36cm x 30cm, Dirk Marwig 2022)

A Happy New Start to everyone I know. This is life # nine for me.

The Data Vault (Archival ink on Japan paper, 32cm x 22cm, Dirk Marwig 2022)

The Data Vault (Archival ink on Japan paper, 32cm x 22cm, Dirk Marwig 2022)

The Downward Seduction (Archival ink on Japan paper, 32cm x 24cm, Dirk Marwig 2022)

The Downward Seduction (Archival ink on Japan paper, 32cm x 24cm, Dirk Marwig 2022)

It’s always in our faces., the morbid Downward Seduction.

Musk Mind Fart (Archival ink on Japan paper, 24cm x 32cm, Dirk Marwig 2022)

Musk Mind Fart (Archival ink on Japan paper, 24cm x 32cm, Dirk Marwig 2022)

Musk’s Twitter or “X” is just another “Truth Social” or ‘Trumpian’ Mouthpiece where “Free Speech” is a Gimmick, misused and abused by greedy megalomaniacs like MUSK and (clown) Trump. For these weirdos “Free speech” is just another meaningless catchphrase to control and dupe the cult dummies. FTS
Musk’s Twitter or “X” is just another “Truth Social” or ‘Trumpian’ Mouthpiece where “Free Speech” is a Gimmick, misused and abused by greedy megalomaniacs like MUSK and (clown) Trump. For these weirdos “Free speech” is just another meaningless catchphrase to control and dupe the cult dummies. FTS
&url=https://dirkmarwig.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/Musk-Mind-Fart.jpg" target="_blank"> 
The Master of Slaves (Archival ink on Japan paper, 32cm x 24cm, Dirk Marwig 2022)

The Master of Slaves (Archival ink on Japan paper, 32cm x 24cm, Dirk Marwig 2022)

Tent City (Archival ink on Japan paper, 32cm x 24cm, Dirk Marwig 2022)

Tent City (Archival ink on Japan paper, 32cm x 24cm, Dirk Marwig 2022)

Vancouver is Tent City.

The Take-Down (Archival ink on Japan-paper, 32cm x 24cm, Dirk Marwig 2022)

The Take-Down (Archival ink on Japan-paper, 32cm x 24cm, Dirk Marwig 2022)

Composition for the Beautiful Mind (Various inks and oil on plywood, 31.5cm x 56cm, Dirk Marwig 2022)

Composition for the Beautiful Mind (Various inks and oil on plywood, 31.5cm x 56cm, Dirk Marwig 2022)

The beautiful mind always makes the perfect connections.

Bingo! (Drawing by Dirk Marwig 2021)

Bingo! (Drawing by Dirk Marwig 2021)

Bingo! (Drawing by Dirk Marwig 2021) *The rule of Ignorance and Muscle. Look around. Bingo!

The Obvious (Bic pen on plywood, 29cm x 31.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2021)

The Obvious (Bic pen on plywood, 29cm x 31.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2021)

Just BE Who You Are!… Otherwise YOU LOSE(“Peace of Mind”) and So many other Human “Benefits”).

I Take It Back(Coloured Pencil on thick drawing paper, 61cm x 45.7cm, Dirk Marwig 2021)

I Take It Back(Coloured Pencil on thick drawing paper, 61cm x 45.7cm, Dirk Marwig 2021)

Again… Express yourself!   If I can Do it, Everyone can.  Requirement: You Must have ‘Something’ to Communicate!  Otherwise… Do Nothing.   This drawing speaks to everyone: like Music,  “Directly with Force and Passion”.    …Am I right?   ?       ?…

Bite the Bullet (Coloured pencil on thick drawing paper, 48.4cm x 36.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2021)

Bite the Bullet (Coloured pencil on thick drawing paper, 48.4cm x 36.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2021)

… just a little longer!

Tour de France Logo 2021(Coloured Pencil on heavy drawing paper, Dirk Marwig 2021)

Tour de France Logo 2021(Coloured Pencil on heavy drawing paper, Dirk Marwig 2021)

The original coloured pencil drawing of “Tour de France”.

Transistor(Coloured Pencil on paper, 69cm x 51.9cm, Dirk Marwig 2021)

Transistor(Coloured Pencil on paper, 69cm x 51.9cm, Dirk Marwig 2021)

New Pop.

1994 ‘Untitled’ (Archival ink, watercolour and oil on drawing paper, dim. unknown, Dirk Marwig 1994)

1994 ‘Untitled’ (Archival ink, watercolour and oil on drawing paper, dim. unknown, Dirk Marwig 1994)

1994 Untitled drawing/painting (Archival ink, watercolour and oil on paper, dim. unknown, Dirk Marwig 1994)
(recently received photo)
Anyone who has a painting, drawing or object of mine please send me a good photo of it. I’m still missing many great pieces!

Letter to Myself (Ink on acid-free tape on paper, 25cm x 22cm, Dirk Marwig 2006)

Letter to Myself (Ink on acid-free tape on paper, 25cm x 22cm, Dirk Marwig 2006)

Letter to Myself
(Ink on acid-free tape on paper, 25cm x 22cm, Dirk Marwig 2006)

NEWA (Archival inks on drawing paper, 43.3cm x 35.6cm, Dirk Marwig 2021)

NEWA (Archival inks on drawing paper, 43.3cm x 35.6cm, Dirk Marwig 2021)

6th of Jan. 2021

Things Never Go Away (Archival inks and oil on Japan-paper mounted on plywood, 31.5cm x 38.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2020)

Things Never Go Away (Archival inks and oil on Japan-paper mounted on plywood, 31.5cm x 38.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2020)

New 3rd World (Archival inks on drawing paper, 35.6cm x 43.3cm, Dirk Marwig 2020)

New 3rd World (Archival inks on drawing paper, 35.6cm x 43.3cm, Dirk Marwig 2020)

Obvious Deception (Coloured pencil on drawing paper, 43.2cm x 35.6cm, Dirk Marwig 2020)

Obvious Deception (Coloured pencil on drawing paper, 43.2cm x 35.6cm, Dirk Marwig 2020)

Trash President’s Spokesperson.

Denial Twice (Coloured Pencil on drawing paper, 2X 43.2cm x 35.6cm, Dirk Marwig 2020)Dirk Marwig 2020)

Denial Twice (Coloured Pencil on drawing paper, 2X 43.2cm x 35.6cm, Dirk Marwig 2020)Dirk Marwig 2020)

Showing the 2 Extreme Versions of Denial.

Stand Up! (Coloured Pencil on drawing paper, 43.2cm x 35.6cm, Dirk Marwig 2020)

Stand Up! (Coloured Pencil on drawing paper, 43.2cm x 35.6cm, Dirk Marwig 2020)

Let’s Stand Up and Fuck Up World Fascism! Enough is enough. No “ONE” has CONTROL! Stand Up!

LCD and Robin Hood? (Coloured Pencil on drawing paper, 2X 43.2cm x 35.6cm, Dirk Marwig 2020)Dirk Marwig 2020)

LCD and Robin Hood? (Coloured Pencil on drawing paper, 2X 43.2cm x 35.6cm, Dirk Marwig 2020)Dirk Marwig 2020)

Dirk Marwig takes the CAKE…. as if… Uh–HuH.

LCD (Coloured Pencil on drawing paper, 43.2cm x 35.6cm, Dirk Marwig 2020)

LCD (Coloured Pencil on drawing paper, 43.2cm x 35.6cm, Dirk Marwig 2020)

Lowest Common Denominator! Look around! (+-)0 tendency to (-) Denominator= the number below the line in a VULGAR fraction.

Pack It Up, Man! (Coloured Pencil on drawing paper, 43.2cm x 35.6cm, Dirk Marwig 2020)

Pack It Up, Man! (Coloured Pencil on drawing paper, 43.2cm x 35.6cm, Dirk Marwig 2020)

Diagnostics(WWE) (Coloured pencils on paper, 43.2cm x 106,8cm, Dirk Marwig, 2020)

Diagnostics(WWE) (Coloured pencils on paper, 43.2cm x 106,8cm, Dirk Marwig, 2020)

Eat This! (Coloured Pencil on drawing paper, 43.2cm x 35.6cm, Dirk Marwig 2020)

Eat This! (Coloured Pencil on drawing paper, 43.2cm x 35.6cm, Dirk Marwig 2020)

2=1(Coloured Pencil on drawing paper, 43.2cm x 35.6cm, Dirk Marwig 2020)

2=1(Coloured Pencil on drawing paper, 43.2cm x 35.6cm, Dirk Marwig 2020)

Part of the “World Wide Enslavement” series(12 parts) -NO MORE BULLSHIT- …please.

The Silencing of the Elected Criminals (Coloured Pencil on drawing paper, 43.2cm x 71.2cm, Dirk Marwig 2020)

The Silencing of the Elected Criminals (Coloured Pencil on drawing paper, 43.2cm x 71.2cm, Dirk Marwig 2020)

In The End, We Love To Be Slaves (Coloured pencil on drawing paper, 43.2cmx x35.6cm, Dirk Marwig 2020)

In The End, We Love To Be Slaves (Coloured pencil on drawing paper, 43.2cmx x35.6cm, Dirk Marwig 2020)

*Number 3 of “Virus” drawings -…it’s good to let loose of Everything and to believe in the (+) for a while, the way it should be, all the time!

Discover Why You Exist Now (Coloured pencil on drawing paper, 43.2cm x 35.6cm, Dirk Marwig 2020)

Discover Why You Exist Now (Coloured pencil on drawing paper, 43.2cm x 35.6cm, Dirk Marwig 2020)

Discover Why You Exist Now. This should be taught in all schools: to discover Who and Why you are and to know what to do with this info. Wer bist Du?

Fat Fuck (Coloured pencil on paper, 43.2cm x 35.6cm, Dirk Marwig 2020)

Fat Fuck (Coloured pencil on paper, 43.2cm x 35.6cm, Dirk Marwig 2020)

LOOK MOM, IT’S ART! (Bic-pen on paper mounted on plywood with acrylic, Dirk Marwig 2020)

LOOK MOM, IT’S ART! (Bic-pen on paper mounted on plywood with acrylic, Dirk Marwig 2020)

For all the kids with proud parents!

Hong Kong Riot (Archival inks on paper, 43.2cm x 35.6cm, Dirk Marwig 2019)

Hong Kong Riot (Archival inks on paper, 43.2cm x 35.6cm, Dirk Marwig 2019)

More of a parade than anything else. Fuck FEAR.

Best Intentions 4 Options (Bic-Pen on gessoed  plywood, 76cm x 65cm, Dirk Marwig 2019)

Best Intentions 4 Options (Bic-Pen on gessoed plywood, 76cm x 65cm, Dirk Marwig 2019)

Rotate the image clockwise and you will see 4 versions of “Everything and Time”; of course, -with all my best intentions!

CHINADA (Permanent marker on thick drawing paper, Dirk Marwig 2019)

CHINADA (Permanent marker on thick drawing paper, Dirk Marwig 2019)

Margareta Reeve (my ‘everything’) casually said: Canada + China = “CHINADA”. She said it first, but I provoked it! So…
CHINADA (Permanent marker on thick drawing paper, Dirk Marwig 2019)

-‘Expansionary Politics’at it’s best: China and Canada turn into CHINADA. Evolution. No Borders. No War. Just that “new” feeling. Learn, apply and deal with it, in the sense that it is good for everyone because change is part of life. “E”

I Talk To You (Permanent markers on thick drawing paper, 83.7cm x 106.6cm, Dirk Marwig 2019)

I Talk To You (Permanent markers on thick drawing paper, 83.7cm x 106.6cm, Dirk Marwig 2019)

Gletscherzeichnung 1994 Dirk Marwig from the of the Collection Japan Art Gallery in Frankfurt, Germany

Gletscherzeichnung 1994 Dirk Marwig from the of the Collection Japan Art Gallery in Frankfurt, Germany

I recently found this in my files: A ‘collectors certificate’ from Mr. Friedrich Mueller of the “Japan Art Gallery” in Frankfurt, Germany featuring my “Gletscherzeichnung” (Glacier Drawing) from 1994. It shows the drawing, the signature, dates and all other specifications. This is how it’s properly done.
*It is also the only photo of this piece!

The Unstable House  (Oil and black hard chalk on thick drawing paper, 51cm x 34cm, Dirk Marwig 1993)

The Unstable House (Oil and black hard chalk on thick drawing paper, 51cm x 34cm, Dirk Marwig 1993)

I found this photo of “Das Unstabile Haus”(The Unstable House) from 1993 in an envelope today(August 17th 2018). Another forgotten drawing. To date it is in the collection of Klaus Fischer in Frankfurt, Germany.

Rhythm (Archival ink on drawing paper, 30.5cm x 22.9cm, Dirk Marwig 2018)

Rhythm (Archival ink on drawing paper, 30.5cm x 22.9cm, Dirk Marwig 2018)

Club Hell (Archival ink on thick drawing paper, 22.9cm x 30.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2017)

Club Hell (Archival ink on thick drawing paper, 22.9cm x 30.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2017)

The Mine (Bic-pen on stretched canvas, 79.5cm x 50.4cm, Dirk Marwig 2017)

The Mine (Bic-pen on stretched canvas, 79.5cm x 50.4cm, Dirk Marwig 2017)

Scavenger (Bic pen on primed and oiled canvas mounted on 8mm board, 46.2cm x 76.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2016)

Scavenger (Bic pen on primed and oiled canvas mounted on 8mm board, 46.2cm x 76.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2016)

…it’s how it makes you feel.

Untitled Drawing- October 2016 (Bic pen on thick drawing paper, 76.2cm x 57cm, Dirk Marwig 2016)

Untitled Drawing- October 2016 (Bic pen on thick drawing paper, 76.2cm x 57cm, Dirk Marwig 2016)

Study for a new object (Bic-pen on thick drawing paper, 57cm x 76.2cm, Dirk Marwig 2016)

Study for a new object (Bic-pen on thick drawing paper, 57cm x 76.2cm, Dirk Marwig 2016)

I got back from Spain and Germany 8 days ago(my first holiday in 3 years). Then while I watched the “presidential debate” I began to jot down all the nonsense being offered to the audience with a bic-pen on a large piece of paper. This is the result.

Untitled Drawing, May 2016 (Archival ink on thick paper, 55.3cm x 68.8cm, Dirk Marwig 2016)

Untitled Drawing, May 2016 (Archival ink on thick paper, 55.3cm x 68.8cm, Dirk Marwig 2016)

My 2nd drawing during my knee recovery. This one is a birthday present for Margareta!

Flop World (Archival inks on paper, 22.9cm x 30.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2016)

Flop World (Archival inks on paper, 22.9cm x 30.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2016)

Confined to the bed and sofa after a terrible “quadriceps tendon rupture” and the following surgery 2 weeks ago (I slipped and fell awkwardly while trying to collect a watering hose on the granite rock in my backyard- in a way funny!), the only thing I can do now is draw. All other projects have come to a halt. Bummer.

Cognitive Dissonance (Bic pen on primed woodpanel, 67.5cm x 109cm, Dirk Marwig 2014)

Cognitive Dissonance (Bic pen on primed woodpanel, 67.5cm x 109cm, Dirk Marwig 2014)

And yet another drawing showing my “Cognitive Dissonance”. I always try to confront this “problem” head on, taking advantage of these moments, using them constructively.

Mind-Shift -Don’t bug me-  (Standing plywood construction with gesso and Bic-pen, 35cm x 23.5cm x 10.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2014)

Mind-Shift -Don’t bug me- (Standing plywood construction with gesso and Bic-pen, 35cm x 23.5cm x 10.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2014)

I love working with Bic pens—It’s messy, raw, basic and spontaneous. This drawing/object brings out the cool qualities of the Bic-pen which almost every person on this planet has in their house. I need to do something like this once in a while to get me back to that ‘special’ Zone.

Genetic Memory of a Violent Death (Archival ink and oil on thick drawing paper, 35.5cm x 27.9cm, Dirk Marwig 2014)

Genetic Memory of a Violent Death (Archival ink and oil on thick drawing paper, 35.5cm x 27.9cm, Dirk Marwig 2014)

“Everyone has “Genetic Memory” passed on to them by their ancestors. We can embrace or ignore this fact. This ‘automatic drawing’ depicts one of my frightening genetic memories, a nightmarish vision I frequently have. I have to tell myself: “Don’t think about this-Try to ignore it!” -This is a recurring theme in my work.”

Lift Geometry (Archival ink + oil on Japan -paper, 24 cm x 32 cm, Dirk Marwig 2013)

Lift Geometry (Archival ink + oil on Japan -paper, 24 cm x 32 cm, Dirk Marwig 2013)

This drawing was a Christmas gift(2013) to the first(1st) person who contacted me. It was Bryan Wells of Edmonton,Canada. He is a smart man. Thank you for visiting my site and for your appreciation!

El Mundo Fantastico (Archival ink on thick drawing paper, 27.8cm x 35.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2013)

El Mundo Fantastico (Archival ink on thick drawing paper, 27.8cm x 35.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2013)

Status Quo -upside down- (Archival ink on thick drawing paper, 35.5cm x 27.8cm, Dirk Marwig 2013)

Status Quo -upside down- (Archival ink on thick drawing paper, 35.5cm x 27.8cm, Dirk Marwig 2013)

“This is the drawing ‘Status Quo’ turned upside down. The same state of affairs remains, just a different perspective.”

Status Quo  (Archival ink on thick drawing paper, 35.5cm x 27.8cm, Dirk Marwig 2013)

Status Quo (Archival ink on thick drawing paper, 35.5cm x 27.8cm, Dirk Marwig 2013)

“No matter how you try to turn it, the ‘Status Quo’ stays the same. Don’t let politicians make decisions for you. Don’t vote. Change the ‘Status Quo’!”

Gravitational Pull  (Oil and coloured pencil on prepared paper, 22.3cm x 27.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2007)

Gravitational Pull (Oil and coloured pencil on prepared paper, 22.3cm x 27.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2007)

This little drawing is a gift to my friend Antonio Gregori Arnaiz of Burgos, Spain.

KAU-BOI  (Ink and oil on Japan-paper, 32cm x 23.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2007)

KAU-BOI (Ink and oil on Japan-paper, 32cm x 23.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2007)

KAU-BOI on acid.

Zomb-dedicated to YU-ICHI (INOUE, Yûichi) (1916 – 1985)  (Oil+oil crayon on Japan-Paper, 83cm x 55.3cm,Dirk Marwig 1995, restored in 2012)

Zomb-dedicated to YU-ICHI (INOUE, Yûichi) (1916 – 1985) (Oil+oil crayon on Japan-Paper, 83cm x 55.3cm,Dirk Marwig 1995, restored in 2012)

My Madness,Dirk Marwig,2007

My Madness,Dirk Marwig,2007

(Pigment Ink on Paper,27cm x 34.7cm,Dirk Marwig 2007)



(Pigment ink on paper,59cm x 42cm,Dirk Marwig 1994)



(Ink,oil+pencil on Japan-paper on plywood,77cm x 29.5cm,Dirk Marwig 2012)



(Cardboard construction on plywood+oil,31cm x 23cm,Dirk Marwig 2012)

CHIEF  (Paper construction, oil and ink, 34.5cm x 20cm, Dirk Marwig 2012)

CHIEF (Paper construction, oil and ink, 34.5cm x 20cm, Dirk Marwig 2012)



(Pigment ink+oil on archival tape on paper,32cm x 24cm,Dirk Marwig 2010)

CRASH MODEL (Archival ink on paper,  35.6cm x 27.9cm,Dirk Marwig 2007)

CRASH MODEL (Archival ink on paper, 35.6cm x 27.9cm,Dirk Marwig 2007)

Wuhu Island (Pigment ink on archival tape on paper, 27.3cm x 33cm, Dirk Marwig 2010)

Wuhu Island (Pigment ink on archival tape on paper, 27.3cm x 33cm, Dirk Marwig 2010)

*Turbulent Flow. An energetic Thrust caused by the vigorous Flapping of Wings in a Sky full of Obstacles.

Aperture and Art. Clairvoyance when it is needed.



(Ink,pencil+oil on paper,22.8cm x 29cm,2008)



(Oil-chalk,oil+pencil on paper,41cm x 55cm,1994)



(Ink on ‘Japan-paper’ drawing,23.8cm x 32cm,Dirk Marwig 2007)

Konflikt  (Paper construction on plywood with archival ink and oil, 34cm x 56.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2012)

Konflikt (Paper construction on plywood with archival ink and oil, 34cm x 56.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2012)

Mr.and Mrs. So and So… (Archival ink, pencil and oil on ‘Japan-paper’, 31.5cm x 49.7cm,  Dirk Marwig 2008)

Mr.and Mrs. So and So… (Archival ink, pencil and oil on ‘Japan-paper’, 31.5cm x 49.7cm, Dirk Marwig 2008)



(Ink on paper drawing,27.8cm x 35.5cm,Dirk Marwig 2006)



(Dirk Marwig, Vancouver 2006)



(Ink+oil on h.m.paper,35cm x 26.5cm,Madrid 1994)



(Dirk Marwig,Frankfurt 1996)

REVOLVING DOOR 2011(Ink and oil on acid-free tape on paper mounted on plywood, 25cm x 22cm, Dirk Marwig 2011)

REVOLVING DOOR 2011(Ink and oil on acid-free tape on paper mounted on plywood, 25cm x 22cm, Dirk Marwig 2011)

Ink and oil on acid-free tape on paper mounted on plywood, 25cm x 22cm, Dirk Marwig 2011

‘Untitled’ 1995 (Oil chalk and watercolour on thick paper, 49.5cm x 67.5cm, Dirk Marwig 1995)

‘Untitled’ 1995 (Oil chalk and watercolour on thick paper, 49.5cm x 67.5cm, Dirk Marwig 1995)

An example from 1995 of how my mind loves and processes geometry. I see this image of one of my earlier works and wonder how I managed this. This one seems so simple but if you try to reconstruct it exactly the way it appears, the mind starts to boil! The result transcends simple geometry. The photo was taken from the invitation of the 1996 show “Dirk Marwig, Papier Skulptur” at the Nikolaus Fischer Gallery in Frankfurt, Germany.

NONRONG™ INC (Pencil and oil on paper ,35.5cm x 27.6cm, Dirk Marwig 2008)

NONRONG™ INC (Pencil and oil on paper ,35.5cm x 27.6cm, Dirk Marwig 2008)

“This drawing should just have been called:”UNTITLED”. Instead i gave it the NONRONG ‘Stamp’!”



(Ink,pencil+oil on acid free tape on paper,37.5cm x 27.4cm,Vancouver 2007)

THE GIFT-ALICANTE- (Pigment ink on ‘Japan-paper’, 30cm x 40cm, Dirk Marwig 2008)

THE GIFT-ALICANTE- (Pigment ink on ‘Japan-paper’, 30cm x 40cm, Dirk Marwig 2008)

I was on holiday at easter time in Alicante (Spain) when I drew this. It was the “Semana Santa” with the ‘big procession’. All these people in the streets following or observing a statue of “Christ” which was carried from A to B. Really a cool sight! Mesmerizing. … but really I thought that most of the people who attended just wanted to party! Fiesta!



(Blue ink on parchment paper,A3 format,Madrid 1998)

Power of Green ( Archival ink and oil on acid free tape on thick drawing paper, 30cm x 22.7cm, Dirk Marwig 2008)

Power of Green ( Archival ink and oil on acid free tape on thick drawing paper, 30cm x 22.7cm, Dirk Marwig 2008)

With all colours present in this small experiment the human eye always picks out the colour green first!

UNTITLED DRAWING 1994   Dirk Marwig


(Ink+oil on hand-made paper,25cm x 32.5cm, Dirk Marwig 1994)



(Oil on acid-free tape on paper,31.5cm x 20.5cm,Vancouver 2007)

VANCOUVER DRAWING (Archival ink on acid free tape on paper, 30cm x 20.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2006)

VANCOUVER DRAWING (Archival ink on acid free tape on paper, 30cm x 20.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2006)

* This was the first drawing I did shortly after arriving in Canada after being in Rio for 6 months.

Delicate Balance  (Pigment ink and oil on ‘Japan-paper’, 30.5cm x 22.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2006)

Delicate Balance (Pigment ink and oil on ‘Japan-paper’, 30.5cm x 22.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2006)



(Ink+oil on ‘Japan-paper’,32cm x 23.5cm,Vancouver 2007)

Back to Square One  (Oil and archival ink on Japan paper, 28cm x 22cm, Dirk Marwig 2009)

Back to Square One (Oil and archival ink on Japan paper, 28cm x 22cm, Dirk Marwig 2009)

This is what happens if you just let things happen without control: This little drawing/painting was in my studio for a very long time- I stepped on it, wrinkled it up and threw it away into the garbage bin, took it out of the garbage again, flattened it out and put it into the “to do” folder. When I had nothing to do one day I ironed it repaired the rip and applied a new layer of oil and voila :it worked! Basically it’s the same painting as before but with that special ingredient: the ‘magic’ of time, the ‘wear and tear’!

FLAG  (Oil and ink on Japan-paper, 31.5cm x 64cm, Dirk Marwig 2010)

FLAG (Oil and ink on Japan-paper, 31.5cm x 64cm, Dirk Marwig 2010)

* This painting/drawing is a 3D experiment – Stare only at the ‘red’ line area and suddenly the whole painting/drawing turns into a ‘space’, ‘things’ overlap, shake and move! Subtle OP ART.

KUNG FU MASTER (Archival ink on Japan-paper, 23.5cm x 32cm, Dirk Marwig 2008)

KUNG FU MASTER (Archival ink on Japan-paper, 23.5cm x 32cm, Dirk Marwig 2008)

KAU-BOI HI-WAY (Oil and chalk on ‘Japan-paper’, 23.5cm x 32cm, Dirk Marwig 2007)

KAU-BOI HI-WAY (Oil and chalk on ‘Japan-paper’, 23.5cm x 32cm, Dirk Marwig 2007)

IMPAKT, Timeless and Human (Oil and pigment ink on’Japan-paper,’ 23.5cm x 32cm, Dirk Marwig 2007)

IMPAKT, Timeless and Human (Oil and pigment ink on’Japan-paper,’ 23.5cm x 32cm, Dirk Marwig 2007)



(Oil on acid free tape on paper on guilded plywood,51.2cm x 43.7cm,Vancouver 2010)

COLOUR THEORY (study)  (Oil and archival ink on ‘Japan-paper’, 32cm x 23.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2007)

COLOUR THEORY (study) (Oil and archival ink on ‘Japan-paper’, 32cm x 23.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2007)

A TRAGIC STORY  (Oil and archival ink on ‘Japan-paper’, 23.5cm x 32cm, Dirk Marwig 2007)

A TRAGIC STORY (Oil and archival ink on ‘Japan-paper’, 23.5cm x 32cm, Dirk Marwig 2007)

*Another one from my “Self Healing” series(2007). Despite the ‘happy happy’ colours there is a deep, tragic sadness about this one.

The King of Scam  (Oil and archival ink on drawing paper mounted on plywood, 32.5cm x 25cm, Dirk Marwig 2011)

The King of Scam (Oil and archival ink on drawing paper mounted on plywood, 32.5cm x 25cm, Dirk Marwig 2011)

The final idea to a scam and the ideas leading up to it.

TO HELL AND BACK (Colored inks on acid free tape on paper,30cm x 22cm, Dirk Marwig 2006)

TO HELL AND BACK (Colored inks on acid free tape on paper,30cm x 22cm, Dirk Marwig 2006)

Whenever I feel like a loser(which is often), I look at my drawing from 2006 and find a little bit of hope. It makes me feel like everything is possible if I put my mind to it. Focus… Dream… and Lose Yourself in that Dream… and magic happens and everything is suddenly alright again.

Loose    (Oil on ‘Japan-paper’, 32cm x 23.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2007)

Loose (Oil on ‘Japan-paper’, 32cm x 23.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2007)