This shows 12 angles of the object, turning it on the axis. This object stands on any solid and level surface.
This shows 12 angles of the object, turning it on the axis. This object stands on any solid and level surface.
This is the result of the repetition of the same ‘free-form’ 26 times over. The 1st sequence of 13 being the full colour spectrum connected to the 2nd sequence of ‘the white to medium grey’ spectrum (also 13). After this…
This was fun to photograph. It has so many cool angles because of the ‘shape’ and ‘bend’ given to the plywood. On top of that the distorted lines with 2 external “flight points” which correspond to the ‘essence’ or flow…
Anisotropy is the property of being directionally dependent. An example of anisotropy is the light coming through a polarizer. Another is wood, which is easier to split along its grain than against it. In physics cosmic anisotropy has been seen…
I’m in the “making something useful for the house” mode and so after making 3 chairs I now finished a “lamp”. I only used plywood and plexiglass rest cuts that were in my studio.
Here’s the ‘Trick’ : This object is perfectly balanced from the inside and that’s why it stands on any hard and level surface the way you see it in the photo. It won’t fall unless you push it. -If you…
This is the semi-side back view of “Headdress for the Divine Benevolent.” It’s like Cinderella’s shoe: it will fit only the person to whom it is intended. I made this for my girlfriend for her birthday, only to wear for…
Here are just 5 angles of this cool headdress. There are so many more. To wear it you must be a divine benevolent or at least aspire to be one!