An artist should be able to do anything: Music, Poetry, Painting, Sculpture, to Act(like actor)…. be Inventive”like inventing things”…I just wanted to show what I made for my wife’s birthday(fashion jewelry wise) because so many of you liked my “Vogue” cover from 1987. As I said before: I really do not like doing such tedious and minute work but once in a while it is ok. “The Happy Mystic Collection” (Special white hardwood that looks like ‘Bone’ shown with a Hermes Scarf and photographed on my Angel Sofa) * I made this collection for my wife in May/June 2021. It includes: 1 Scarf Broach , 1 Bracelet, 1 Ring and 4 adjustable mix and match Necklaces. Made with Love for Love. Dirk Marwig