Bruce Lee always formed a big part of my life: the martial artist but much more the philosopher. I dedicated this object to him. Kitsch transformed. “Be like water” is one of Bruce Lee’s most famous quotes- I always try!
-I’m pretty practical and to my mind everything can have a purpose and could be put to “use”. With this object I simply made the choice to ‘keep it dysfunctional’! ‘To keep it open’, as they say. Simple as that. Of course, I could put a slab of glass on it or use it to put umbrellas in or put my TV “cable box”(which in reality is the case!) or magazines into it… the possibilities for practical “use” and application are almost endless if you put your mind to it. That’s why I kept it “Dysfunctional” in order to ‘open up that door’ of possibilities in the mind of the spectator.
This took me 1 1/2 years to make: I would cut a few discs whenever I felt like it… never more than 20cm in a ‘go’. Each disc is signed, dated and has “DM + PS = :heart:″ written on it. 5000 times! The ceiling in the Chagall Room(It’s called that because right next to my object are like 10 Marc Chagall paintings) is 13m high, the object is 5m high, so a normal sized person would reach a little above the ‘name tag’ which is on the wall -(lower left).
Originally called “Double Spatial Twist” I changed the name of this object in 2016 (8 years later) to “Twirly”. Easier.