I love this one! Unfortunately the dimension were lost.
This post shows how I created the “divine Angle” of 137.5º going about it in my dyslexic way:
-This is just a model using 36 recycled (packaging plywood) golden section rectangles.(6 rectangles per ‘story'(6 ‘stories’) all connected at the “Golden Mean”, then stacked.
I hate to throw materials away without playing with them first. This construction can be made out of other materials, of course, and stacked infinitely if you cut the rectangles slightly smaller and smaller as it grows in hight. It would spiral upward perfectly close to the divine angle of 137.5 degrees! Maybe one day I’ll build the real thing. This could be a cool building!
In the background you can see part of the painting ‘TV’ (Oil on canvas,140cm x 208.7cm,Dirk Marwig 2013)
“Thanks to ‘eBay’i was able to buy a hardcover copy of the original ‘American Photography Showcase Volume 12’published in New York in 1989. This was a competition company of ‘The Black and Silver Books’ sent to all Ad and Publicity agencies in The United States. The photo selected for the cover was by James Joern and it features my Jewelry and Shoes. The golden silk ‘house-robe’on the model was a gift to my ex-girlfriend by my mother and the photographer used it as well. My payment was a ‘dinner out’ with the photographer, whooopi doo!”
1988 dirk Marwig creates the U-CREATE…a “do it yourself T-shirt” kit. It sells (among other stores) at the Guggenheim Museum of Art, the Whitney Museum of Art, both in N.Y.C., the Chicago Museum of Modern Art ,the Los Angeles Museum of Contemporary Art gift shops and at F.A.O.SCHWARTZ,N.Y.C.
(The Kit included: T-shirt,fabric paints,brush+idea sheet,box:17.3cm x 17.3cm x 6cm, Dirk Marwig, New York City 1988)
Dark Prince Chair
This chair was designed,constructed and finished by Dirk Marwig in West Vancouver, Canada 2009. Dimensions: Total height: 100 cm , Seat height: 45 cm Width: 44.5 cm Total depth: 61 cm , Seat depth: 43 cm Construction: Recycled solid Walnut and Cherry wooden floor boards(1 inch thick),wooden dowels and biscuits, wood glue(no screws or nails) Color: Natural light walnut and reddish cherry Finish: Hand rubbed Danish oil. Extras: Supports up to 300 kg of dead weight (proven, with a really fat guy of same weight sitting on it!) Extremely comfortable.
The only wooden chair in the WORLD with this DESIGN and CONSTRUCTION (according to thorough research) -signed and dated,with the title(engraved) on the base (bottom) of chair by Dirk Marwig. *Since 2009 this chair has inspired many “Furniture Designers” to make imitations and/or to steal the concept. And why don’t these people don’t give me credit? Because that’s how the world works!
*I made this in 4 days! (photo taken in my living room in Madrid, Spain) -As you can see I had no furniture. This “sofa” consists of 4 interconnecting parts that can easily be taken apart-no screws… Later I put a blue, cotton covered Futon on top.
This time “Sofa 1” is shown with futon in my living room in the house on calle Antonio Diaz Cañabate 8, Madrid, Spain.
I still can’t believe that I made this sofa alone in my relatively small studio. It consists of 5 separate structural pieces which can easily be assembled and 17 custom fitted cushions( all with zippers so that they can be machine washed).
( L.:300cm,H.:76cm,D.:108cm, fir + plywood with high gloss enamel and 17 fitted cushions)