“IMAGINATION and MEANING” is the heart of Dirk Marwig’s work. His unique expressions are akin to traveling to the beautiful and scary places that we all share. It is Marwig’s extraordinary ability to use colour, shape and texture to illuminate the natural and human stories that give meaning to our lives. And like every good story, each work is dramatically different as told through his unique use of wood, canvas, metal, plastic, paint, fiber, and even common household objects. It is the vast blending of Marwig’s imagination, honesty, vision and artistic ability to access the human condition that ignites our sense of wonder, amusement, awe, anxiety and friction. At times, the impact is immediate, as with most dramatic events, but at others it is a subtle and deepening awareness that draws us in. Although Marwig’s works are the product of his own experiences and artistic talents, the serious viewer is one who is about to learn something about him- or herself. The most exciting element of Marwig’s work is the moment one becomes aware that he has many stories to tell and we can’t wait to see WHAT”S NEXT!
Todd Smith
(Art lover and collector, Winnipeg, Canada)
Today the mediocre, banal, ordinary and uninspired are glorified (just watch daytime television or these fucked up reality shows where retarded, vain “housewives” show the world just how dumb and evil they are!) This NO CULTURE/ UN-CULTURE ‘culture’ gets on my nerves. ‘Abort the Mundane’ or “TURN”(into one of them). Death to “low brow”.
My work originates in the subconscious; an idea for a piece comes to me in a fraction of a second. I then browse through my studio looking for a way to express this idea with all the possible means (materials) I have at hand at that moment.
I distill the possibilities, calculating what is possible and what is not. If nothing appears to be ‘possible’ I begin to experiment anyway with the first probable option that first came to my mind when the ‘idea’ appeared. I try out various ways to physically ‘bring to life’ this idea. “Just Doing” is part of my process and by “Doing” the idea turns into something much bigger and something much more interesting then I ever could have imagined in the beginning.
Dirk Marwig May 13th 2013