TWISTER in my Studio Madrid, 1996 (Plywood object/construction, 298cm x 41cm x 41cm, Dirk Marwig 1996)

Studio 1996 Madrid_'Twister'

“I just found this photo. It’s of the object “Twister” photographed in my Madrid studio in 1996. It was still unfinished here in this pic -I later rubbed red chalk onto every 2nd plywood disc to give it more of a “spin/twist” feel. It is now in a private collection in Frankfurt, Germany.”

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6 New Technique bracelets (Walnut-, Maple- and Cherrywood, Cable ties, Dirk Marwig 2013)

6 New Technique Bracelets

“I made ‘fashion jewelry’ to sell in my 20’s when I was living in New York City. Now I only make a few pieces here and there for the people I love. It’s also a way for me to try out new structural possibilities. This here is one example: I like simplicity and i like to combine things that normally wouldn’t ‘go’ together, like in this case combining hardwood with nylon cable ties to make something one can wear. These bracelets fit comfortably because they ‘give’ a little but are firmly held together by the cable ties. They are not glued. Using this new technique i will make much larger “things”(i will not say what-because then it will not be a surprise!-besides people like to copy my ideas and call them their own—unfortunately this happened to me many times before.”

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Flyer for the “Ice-Bear” or “Klapse” club in Frankfurt-October 1982 (Ink on cardboard, Dirk Marwig 1982)

ice bear

-Those were the days when all publicity images was still hand drawn or simply just photographed, the days before computer images- a long time ago!
This is a flyer I did when I was 22 (for the club I worked at in Frankfurt,Germany)during my moves to NYC. I would fly back to Frankfurt and pick up some stuff I needed in New York and see my friends who were club owners and who gave me some design work to do while in town. The Club was called ”Eis Bear”(Polar Bear) or “Klapse”(Mental Institution) because the decor was all white and the music a mix of “Neue Deutsche Welle” plus Disco. It was a fun place to go to. The owner and main DJ of the club was Michael Muenzing, who later on produced “Snap”, a late 1980′s early 1990′s pop group. Michael Muenzing was also the main DJ in the DORIAN GRAY “small room” that featured R+B/Funk Music, apposed to the DORIAN GRAY main room that featured “BIJAN”(my DJ inspiration-he was the BEST), who played EVERYTHING that was hot(The LARRY LEVIN of Europe)…with elegance,style and POWER.
Michael Muenzing was also later on part owner the famous club “OMEN”, where Sven Väth got his chance(because there was nobody else around) to shine, I guess. Hence a star was born(or artificially produced).

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In general: People do not think, THEY REACT.

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Lift Geometry (Archival ink + oil on Japan -paper, 24 cm x 32 cm, Dirk Marwig 2013)

Lift Geometry

This drawing was a Christmas gift(2013) to the first(1st) person who contacted me. It was Bryan Wells of Edmonton,Canada. He is a smart man. Thank you for visiting my site and for your appreciation!

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Klondike semi side view (Maplewood, 29.5cm x 55.5cm x 3.4cm, Dirk Marwig 2013)

Klondike semi side view

“This is the semi-side-top view of Klondike- here you can see very well the “positive-negative 3/4 flip” effect. I named it “Klondike” for that same reason: The positive to negative transition- most people went to the Klondike with high hopes(positive) but most of the prospectors left with less than they arrived with(negative)!”

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Klondike (Maplewood, 29.5cm x 55.5cm x 3.4cm, Dirk Marwig 2013)


“I cut 336 ‘golden ratio’ rhombi, laying them out in sets of 3, then distributing them into 16 columns and 7 rows (according to thickness), then reversed 1/3 of 4 rows(thin to thick) and when the 5th row came along i reversed the process column-wise to create this ‘positive to negative, midway ‘Flip’ + transition’ object.”

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El Mundo Fantastico (Archival ink on thick drawing paper, 27.8cm x 35.5cm, Dirk Marwig 2013)

El Mundo Fantastico
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Sweet and Funky Things— click on the blue title below to listen!

Sweet and Funky Things

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In the Museum – Gesamteindruck- (Oil, ink and pencil on paper mounted on plywood -collage- , 57.8cm x 52cm, Dirk Marwig 2013)

In the Museum copy (1)

It’s not what you see, it’s what you feel. Gesamteindruck = overall impression.

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