Happy Birthday,Margareta! Alles Liebe zum Geburtstag! I love mixing plexi-glass with plywood- it’s a great combination. I hope that you like it!
I’m sure this is a situation that many of us have encountered:…in a club, out of your mind and suddenly someone asks you to to dance…you look at them and they look like this! hahaha. You think: “I must switch drugs, this does not look good, …bad trip!”
Three dancing girls or ballerinas that also look like a piece of barbed wire. This ‘Dance of Captivity’ can be used as a metaphor for many situations in life. It could also be a good logo for the North Korean Ballet Company! – Dedicated to Norma Duval. Legs Up and Over! Can Can. “Kitsch Tragique” !!
My mother always told me when I was young : “Why don’t you just paint landscapes? People would buy them and you could make lots of money.” -Well here’s a landscape for you!
This painting shows the view of the burning landscape via satellite and a the panoramic view from the ground all in one.
“I found this at my mothers house when I travelled to Germany in 2013. I had just turned 21 when I painted it. This little painting shows my extreme frustration in dealing with this world, the same frustration I still have in dealing with everything today! “Alles ist Gut” means “Everything is good or well”… Sarcastic, of course. It also shows my love for geometry and abstraction which still forms the basis of my work. This is probably one of the very few paintings that has my name on the front- usually I sign and date on the back of the piece in order not to ruin the composition.”
And yet another drawing showing my “Cognitive Dissonance”. I always try to confront this “problem” head on, taking advantage of these moments, using them constructively.