Our society today to my mind is a primitive one, only thinking “short term” and “combustible”. Mankind today exploits and rapes nature thinking it is separate from it or ‘above’ it instead of ‘working with it’. The people in general on the planet are not healthy(mentally or physically). There is also no true communication or understanding between the peoples of countries and societies. No real spirituality exists as a guideline to follow. Only competition, bullying the weaker one for financial gain or blunt suppression exists. Mankind’s ego makes him blindly think that only “modern man” is capable of devising a highly advanced technological society. Yet “modern man” is incapable of a higher understanding of how the planet functions and how to work with it and to profit from it without ‘killing’ it. Coherent explanations(for example) of the ‘Why, ‘When’ and ‘How’ the Pyramid structures (which are found all over the planet) were built do not exist. Only lame theories that support our nearsighted, conservative and fragile ‘Status Quo’ way of thinking try to give explanations, fitting them all neatly into our historic civilization’s “Timeline”, which is in desperate need of revision. How can this be in our day of a so called ‘Advanced Society’?
Shouldn’t ‘Mankind’ be more evolved by now?
We are arrogant, know very little and we should be humble to admit this instead of ‘bragging’ about our “Advanced Technological Achievements” which are in most part put to ill use.