Amaze 2015 (Wood block print, 76.3cm x 48.6cm, Dirk Marwig 2015 )

Amaze Blue

This “Amaze 2015” wood block print(wood cut) is available in ‘blue’ and ‘red’. It only exists in one(1) edition of 10 prints for each colour. You can buy them in the “SHOP” section of this site. This wood block print is based entirely on the ‘Golden Rectangle’-that’s why it is so ‘pleasing’. The ‘Golden Mean’ is the little square on the upper right.

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Amaze 2015 and Simplex Combination ( 3 Wood Block Prints, 76.3cm x 145.8cm, Dirk Marwig 2015)

Amaze 2015 and Simplex Combo

2 ‘Amaze 2015’ wood block prints -one in red, the other in blue- I then added a red ‘Simplex’ print and put it in the centre. Cool combo! You can stack, rotate and/or shuffle this combo-it always works.

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How I make a clean woodblock print (Dirk Marwig 2015)

Printing a wood block print

Here’s a quick look on how I make a clean wood block print. I took these 6 pics today while printing the the 5th red print(out of 10 red prints) of my ‘Amaze 2015’. I’m bored with ‘red’ so I’ll start with the 10 ‘blue’ prints this afternoon.The roundish thing is used to equally press the paper onto the woodblock which is covered in red ink. The spoon and wedge are used to emboss the lines(rubbing) and the brush is used to spread lead powder-from a pencil- over the impression so that I can see where I have already ‘rubbed’.
I use a 250(g) Stonehenge ‘white’ paper which is heavy and sturdy enough to support my kind of brutal ‘rubbing’ or embossing. -It’s like a 1 1/2 hour workout!

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Amaze 2015 (Wood block test print #1, 48,6cm x 76.3cm, Dirk Marwig 2015 )

Amaze 2015

Today(Jan.6th 2015) I gave away test prints 1, 2 and 3 of my new wood cut(wood block) print on “Facebook” and on “Ello”. Happy New Year 2015!…and happy “Reyes Magos”! There is only 1 way ‘in’. Which one is it?

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Choker (choker necklace, Bloodwood and cable ties, 14.3cm diameter, Dirk Marwig 2014)


The cable ties hold the ‘choker’ together(no glue)-Because bloodwood is a very hard wood and the cable ties are semi flexible you can pull it open (to slip it on ) and then it snaps back into the original shape/position…(you can see where you open it on the bottom left-where the pieces are not connected). You just have to calculate the size before.

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Posted in Blog, Other Projects

The Deal / El Trato (Cedar wall object, 78cm x 90.5cm x 3.2cm, Dirk Marwig 2014)

The Deal

-Every ‘deal'(trato in spanish) has a detailed, limited framework on which 2 parties(or more) agree upon. The framework has a distinct ‘make-up’ only known to the parties involved – all ‘outsiders’ are excluded. So the framework becomes another- the 3rd element. Together all 3 elements form one’whole’ unit. The ‘handshake’ being the ‘glue’, the finalization or the manifestation of the Deal.

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U.N. (Enamel and high pigment lacquer on plywood, 51cm x 51cm, Dirk Marwig 2014)


This painting corresponds to the “Airport” painting : the outline of my irregular heptagon constructed only with the help of the “Golden Rectangle”. The spectator is again involved to connect the invisible lines inside of the ‘outline’. Endless possibilities.

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Airport (High pigment lacquer on plywood inlay, 62cm x 62cm, Dirk Marwig 2014)


This painting shows how to ‘construct’ an irregular heptagon on the basis of the ‘Golden Rectangle’. Even if this is an irregular 7 sided polygon(irregular heptagon) there is an intrinsic feeling of harmony and balance that can only be explained by the continuous use of the ‘Golden Section’. Every corner and every intersection of each line can be endlessly connected to another corner or line, the grid getting smaller or larger maintaining total congruency. -If you look at it long enough the ‘lines’ start jumping out at you in 3D and the spaces shift and shake uncontrollably!

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Angel Sofa (L.:300cm,H.:76cm,D.:108cm, Solid aged fir, plywood, high gloss enamel and 17 fitted removable and washable cushions, Dirk Marwig 2011)


Angel Sofa (photographed in living room, 2011 in West Vancouver, Canada)

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The making of my “Angel Sofa” Dirk Marwig 2011

Making of Sofa!

Angel sofa
(L.:300cm,H.:76cm,D.:108cm, Solid aged fir, plywood, high gloss enamel and 17 fitted removable and washable cushions, Dirk Marwig 2011)
-I don’t really like making something “useful” but sometimes one just cannot ‘buy’ what one is looking for: in this case a big, cool, solid sofa with ‘built in’ side shelves, moveable and washable cushions and a super hard hi-gloss finish. This sofa is so solid you could probably put a car on top of it! Here are the pics showing the building process(no screws or nails were used-just wood dowels and glue) and the finished Sofa. This photo was taken in 2011-a few things have changed since then in my living room but the sofa still “shines” as if new and I use it a lot. The sofa also has a secret compartment which nobody could find, even if they looked very hard and a “time capsule” with info about myself(pics ,flash drive, catalogues…) built into the framework!

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