These are only 12 angles… This objects has hundreds of cool angles! It has 3 perfectly balanced “standing points” and can be put on any hard level surface. It weighs 15.8kg. Henry Moore on Acid!
These are only 12 angles… This objects has hundreds of cool angles! It has 3 perfectly balanced “standing points” and can be put on any hard level surface. It weighs 15.8kg. Henry Moore on Acid!
*I used one old 25m long extension cable (not cutting it up), simply rolling and folding it and holding the shapes in place with cable ties. Anything can be transformed into something timeless and beautiful just with a little love and time. I began in the middle (where the eye is) and worked my way to the outside (lower left). It’s like a quick sketch/drawing-but done with a semi rigid material, a flowing maze by the work of a crazy person(which I have to be, I guess). ELECTRIC! Screw the ‘philistines’ of this world!
Again a piece based on the “Golden Section”. The story of the odd sized, “oval/roundish” in awe of the “perfect sphere” that’s in the perfect spot!
Everything in this painting is again based on the divine proportions of the “golden rectangle”. The colours, the ‘feel’ and mood are of the rainforest. And for the first time: Op-Art that is really RELAXING!