The “Human Vault”… Dark, Deceptive and Sexy -I love to work with Bic-pens. It’s fun and the smeary blue ink has a special quality that I like perfect for this drawing/painting. Again the DNA of the painting is based on the “Golden Section”.
The “Human Vault”… Dark, Deceptive and Sexy -I love to work with Bic-pens. It’s fun and the smeary blue ink has a special quality that I like perfect for this drawing/painting. Again the DNA of the painting is based on the “Golden Section”.
Another memory of Madrid(Spain) where I lived for 16 years. “El Paseo de la Castellana” is the central big multi-lane avenue in Madrid running north-south/south-north(like Park Avenue in New York City) ending(or beginning) at the 2 major train stations Atocha and Chamartin. “La Castellana” depicts a busy intersection (probably close to “Plaza de Colon”)seen from above in the way I see things.
A big “THANK YOU ” to my 4 collectors who make my life a whole lot easier, much more pleasant and with your support I can continue to create. (you know who you are so I don’t have to mention your names! Besides being ‘anonymous’ has it’s advantages sometimes)
You have “vision”, culture, great taste and most of all you do not rely on the opinions of “others” in the twisted “art world”( wishy-washy curators, gallery owners and half witted critics) when buying my work. You understand the value because you understand the importance of good art in our brutal “philistine” culture/world where my art plays a counter part. Thank you!
This is the semi-side back view of “Headdress for the Divine Benevolent.” It’s like Cinderella’s shoe: it will fit only the person to whom it is intended. I made this for my girlfriend for her birthday, only to wear for ceremonies, of course. Visionary.
Here are just 5 angles of this cool headdress. There are so many more. To wear it you must be a divine benevolent or at least aspire to be one!
My art always seems to look like comic or cartoon-ish versions of ideas that I carry with me all the time. I often ask myself the question if what I do is the work of an imbecile or the opposite. This object shows what I meant in the last sentence! The bottom plywood pieces are 19 “Golden Rectangles”, the size relating to the height of the cedar.
New Photo of: Dyslexika-Separation-Rejection -side view,looking down- (Plywood, Plexiglass + String construction, 80cm x 58cm x 29cm, Dirk Marwig 2014)
* This strange object depicts the title: Dyslexia-Separation-Rejection.(I wrote “DYSLEXIKA”…) -The story of my life, since I’m dyslexic. But this has advantages (sometimes) because I get to see the world in a different way.