– Model – Kharla – Hair, Makeup & Photography – CovelloPhoto NYC
My little unemployed and disconnected Amigo standing there all alone. Aww!
From left to right: Waiting, Eager to please,then Resignation!
2016 was a very strange year for me. Nevertheless 31 pieces came into being. All work shown in the sequence of their creation from the Top Left(older) to the Bottom Right(newest). My mind works in a peculiar way, as you can see.
I will only make 1 edition of 10 prints from this one. After that I’ll destroy the wood block. It is for sale in my “SHOP” section.
This new plywood light object is only held together with the help of many cable ties from the inside and out. No glue or screws were used. Despite the height (274 cm or 9 feet) and because of it’s architecture this light object is lightweight while being straight and solid (does not lean or wobble). It was photographed December 18th 2016 in my living room in West Vancouver, Canada with a few other pieces of mine.
This large canvas invites the spectator to enter and to be part of the composition. This is only a photo but when you stand in front of this large painting, you immediately form part of it and enter the world of the undefined and indefinite. We know nothing and we are nothing. Screw the big egos.