I got back from Spain and Germany 8 days ago(my first holiday in 3 years). Then while I watched the “presidential debate” I began to jot down all the nonsense being offered to the audience with a bic-pen on a large piece of paper. This is the result.
Flat as a floor plan: the architecture of strategy mixed with uncertainty in a “one on one” Face Off.
It’s the 13th of July and I’m still so very slow working due to my knee injury but today I finally finished this new painting. Highly my kind of “deconstructivism” showing my idea of cool “Pizzazz”ness. This painting is based on the Golden Section / “Golden Rectangle. A very reduced and interactive composition.
This painting was in my studio for more than a year and yesterday I finished it adding the last few essentials it needed. While I was working on it the name “Oriwako” kept going through my mind. I later looked it up on the ‘net’ and found out that the word does not exist. How can this be? This word has some kind of power or meaning in some language, otherwise why would I have constantly repeated it so my times in my head while looking and working on it? Very strange. This makes me wonder.