It’s that time of year again when the governments of the world try to harass, bully or frighten the population with useless and diverting topics in order to maintain the Status Quo. It is our duty as people of the world to make the power structures nervous! The tyranny of the government’s DATA and INFORMATION MONOPOLY must end. This is a crime. According to the governments of the world THE FREEDOM OF PEOPLE TO CONNECT THROUGH INFORMATION which lead to new IDEAS is still considered “DANGEROUS”! -My god is this not a sad and primitive state? In which century are we living? INFORMATION and DATA which lead to KNOWLEDGE that can make LIFE on EARTH for ALL PEOPLE better should be made accessible to EVERYONE and not only to a very FEW who are in control because ALL INFORMATION BELONGS TO EVERYONE! For those who still do not understand: INFORMATION IS CONSIDERED A RESOURCE or CURRENCY (like oil or water) -THEREFORE, IF YOU CONTROL INFORMATION, YOU HAVE POWER!
This piece “No Love” is from 2011. Nothing has changed in these 6 years. Things have even gotten worse! Very SAD. Dirk Marwig 2017