One can rotate this painting in all 4 directions, the ‘Plague of Ignorance’ stays seductively and morbidly dominant.
One can rotate this painting in all 4 directions, the ‘Plague of Ignorance’ stays seductively and morbidly dominant.
Another painting to show ‘genetic memory’ as a recurring theme is “Zwischenwelt”(“In-Between World”) that I did in 1993 while in Spain. Notice the crashing and suffering aircrafts, the evil conspiring gossipers, etc.
Mostly all of my earlier work is dedicated to these visions that I can’t seem to ignore.”Kriegsbild” and “Unterwasser” are other paintings(unfortunately no photos exist- all lost!) Most of the work is ‘colourful’, but that’s only a deception because in reality the content is All very Dark.
Zwischenwelt detail mid part (Oil on canvas, 100cm x 80cm, Dirk Marwig 1993)
My work looks simple, easy, almost basic, …as if anyone could do it. -Hey, Anyone could but they don’t!. I was the FIRST PERSON to to construct, draw or paint “IT” and that IS what counts! I had the idea!
I say this because I often get comments like “Uh, I can do this!” from the clueless simple minds of the world who happen to stumble upon my ART on the net.
The exact same engraving of the grid (with the ‘Golden Section’ as it’s DNA) is on the other side as well, which is characteristic of the repetitive behaviours found in the little (sometimes autistic) nerd with special powers.