Trump has Divided his beloved Country for his Own agenda, namly his Reelection (for vanity purposes), thereby causing a minor Civil War! He denied the existence of Covid-19 allowing the spread of the Virus resulting in 200.000 American deaths. He has been accused of Rape and major Tax Fraud. Known as a Racist and a Misogynist and Money Squanderer he has also sided with People known for their involvement in Underage Human Sex Trafficking (Epstein) and Right Wing Killer Vigilantes (Kyle Rittenhouse).
Almost every WORD that comes out of his mouth is a baseless LIE and an Insult to Human Intelligence.
-How can anyone who Shits in his own Backyard even be nominated to get the Global Prize for Cleanliness and Virtue? (Nobel Peace Prize)
Besides : Is there a War in the Middle East that I’m not aware of?
A Peace Prize where there is no WAR?…
What He Does Know is how to SPREAD FEAR and his OWN INSECURITIES onto others. And like the SOCIOPATH he is, he KNOWS how to DIVIDE with expertise. This reality show clown should be behind bars for all the crimes he has committed. Yet he still continues on his Path of Destruction. Sad World!