Both sides of the brain (Left and Right) start and share a Thought commencing at different times (moving in the same direction while sharing and participating in a similar perceived goal-). Each side spins at its velocity around its own Axis, continuously overlapping and bumping into one another (like bumper cars tied together, but hitting each other softly). This disturbs and Interrupts the overall encountered experience until the whole ‘Brain thought process’ comes to a fast and abrupt halt. A “Stop”. It is stuck, in a no-man’s land. This abrupt “stop” is surprising, entertaining, simple, and so basic that both sides ask questions, hence hobbling and slowing down the required action to be taken! (slowing down the reaction time)—Together!
This painting/object is based on the ‘Golden Section’.
Trump’s MAGA mega Production by Dirk Marwig 2020
Trump treated his 4 years of Presidency like the major Actor in a Worldwide Trash -TV Reality Show.
Included were the Co-actors: his Idiot Children, the ‘Natascha’ style Wifey, his Evil Staffers including his Vampire-like Attorney Giuliani and last but not least the American People, along with his Loud and Grotesque Voter base with the big Hats and Colourful Flags.
The Plot of this multi Billion $$ Production revolves around Trump’s Absurd Visions highlighted in his Speeches, Rallies and almost daily Appearances by phone or in person at Fox News, his Personal Propaganda Apparatus. It also shows the Evolution and Outcomes of his ‘Gong Show’ Handlings and Dealings most of which to the Dismay and Suffering of the People he Represents along with Dire Global Repercussions (Climate Change, Messed-up international Relations…)
One could see ‘it’ as an Interactive “Pop-Art Theatre Piece” in which Trump, the main Character/Villain is often seen as the Innocent Victim of a fictional Witch-Hunt, Whining and Complaining other times Ridiculing and “Name Calling” political Opponents to Defend his Haphazard Actions as hisToupeé flaps in the wind like the American Flag behind him.
At times he Throws Tantrums, his Orange Face angrily
ready to Explode while His Tiny Hands Punch an Invisible Adversary or just ‘Pump the Air’ out of excitement after Proclaiming a Falsehood.
Toss in a few Natural Disasters to the Backdrop, a Wildfire and a Hurricane perhaps, a Deadly VIRUS, then Peaceful Protests turned into Violent Civil Upheavals Involving the National Guard, White Supremacists and a Confused Armed Right Wing Activist Army…-What could Go Wrong?
This is a Recipe for a “Trash-Blockbuster TV Show in Real Time” with the ‘Ratings’ that go Through the Roof !
This Tragic-Comedy Drama Culminates in the Bitter End as Trump Defies his Own “Law and Order” Regimen amidst the Suffering of the Population, sowing Chaos and Fear along the path of absolutely Denying his Defeat in an Election that he thought was already “In the Bag”.
Like the Crazy Emperor Nero of ancient Rome, Trump on his Way Out of Politics and ‘Life in General’ selfishly uses what is left in his Arsenal of Political Power to Destroy and Burn Everything and Everyone including Himself on his Way Out.
This MAGA “Mega Machine” Production was unfortunately and involuntarily Financed by the People of the US and of the World. News Organizations and the Entertainment Industry embraced Trump’s outrageous Behaviour and Actions to Awaken Interest in his Absurdities and therefore contributing to the Success
of Promoting his Fascist “Trump” Brand.