(Ink on paper,A3 format,New York City 1988)
(Walnut-+cherrywood bracelet,8cm x 8cm x 4,5cm x 0.6cm,Vancouver 2011)
(Shoes:Dirk Marwig,Vogue Paris,February 1988)
(Jewelry+shoes:Dirk Marwig,Bitish Vogue,June 1988)
1988 dirk Marwig creates the U-CREATE…a “do it yourself T-shirt” kit. It sells (among other stores) at the Guggenheim Museum of Art, the Whitney Museum of Art, both in N.Y.C., the Chicago Museum of Modern Art ,the Los Angeles Museum…
(Ink on paper,A4 format,Madrid 1997)
(Plywood construction,Dirk Marwig, Madrid, 1997)
(Plywood contruction,Dirk Marwig, Madrid, 1997)
(Iron,leather,isolaton tape+oil,53.5cm x 81cm x 46cm,2007)
(Solid aged fir,plywood+ 17 fitted cushions,300cm x 76cm x 108cm)