This is the 2nd version of my “Electric Mustang” also made from a ‘used’ 25m extension cord, this time a gift for two good friends of mine. The ‘Gift Horse’?!
This is the 2nd version of my “Electric Mustang” also made from a ‘used’ 25m extension cord, this time a gift for two good friends of mine. The ‘Gift Horse’?!
The more you Look the more you See. The more you see the more you find. Submerge yourself in the Images you see. Freudian Cinema. It’s all about You.
This large painting was sold to one the banks that collect Dirk Marwig’s work. This is the only existing image of it, taken from newspaper clipping of the “Frankfurter Rundschau”(Frankfurt, Germany) spring of 1995.
KAU-BOi DREAM (Ink, pencil and oil on paper, 22.8cm x 29cm, Dirk Marwig 2008) Pure and fearless lysergic geometry mixed with constructivism and automatic writing.
Moose Coffee Table (Plywood, tennis string and glass, 32cm x 104cm x 86cm, Dirk Marwig 2008) *This table was made from plywood rest cuts I had flying around in my studio. I hate to waste things. Looks like “Bullwinckle”. I…